Victor Ogan

Victor Ogan's Profile

Victor Ogan
Tuesday 2 March 2021

Only Human

I think what I don't want to think

I feel what I don't want to feel

I desire what I don't want to desire

I've done what I didn't want do

Every second, minute and hour is a new me

Changing like a chameleon

I've made bad decisions

That doesn't make me bad

I've done lesser good

But I'm not a saint

I'm only human

Don't make me feel less

I'm only human

Don't paint me as a monster

No one's perfect, so don't ask it from me

I don't want to live up to your dreams

Cause apart from you calling me good, there's no gain

I was never misled cause I have no dog chains on my collar

You don't know me, the tears I've shed, the fears I've felt

The heat in my head, the churnings in my stomach, the pain on my skin,

Unable to get out of bed, afraid of each passing day

So how dare you judge me?

I'm only human 

Don't make me feel less

I'm only human

Don't paint me as a monster

No one's perfect, so don't ask it from me

I'm not perfect, I'll never be

But if perfection is what you desperately desire

Then please by all means build yourself a robot

But it won't be perfect too


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