Matthias Pantaleon

Biography: Playwright | Poet | Lyricist | Hymnist | Stage Director| Art Connoisseur | Entrepreneur

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Matthias Pantaleon
Saturday 18 April 2020


In the beginning 
They borne us a little rusty
Tales of honey inspired their grinning
Ungodly lust, smirking dusty

Tales of woes are broadsided
They pack too many lies in one basket
Fairies to make us blindsided
We can tell the click of a loaded musket

Ball change, marriage offered
We declined. No ballroom dancing
Musket clicking, decision not altered
They wed us in proxy; back pacing

Bouncing forth in malice
Suitors with scary faith 
Wedlock of unequal allies
Begets unimaginable fate

Indescribable hate arouse
Wife battery, emotional rape
Less a neighbour, lesser a spouse
Time only add injury to hope

Now, they wage unholy war
Cheap talk, lame law, crippled court
Girl child, suicide bomber in car
Talk tough, dead men don't count


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