Sahaj Sabharwal

Biography: Sahaj Sabharwal is a Student now. He loves writing poems and thoughts. He lives in Jammu city, Jammu and Kashmir, India. He is a young poet.

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Sahaj Sabharwal
Sunday 1 July 2018


You are my pain curing,
You are my thoughts hearing,
You are my progress rising,
That's why soul of mine is good..

I am trying to be good,
Don't worry I am like developing wood,
Your eye is only on me stood,
That's why soul of mine is good..

Whenever I am being scold,
You are advising me to keep hold,
And not to lose hope on being scold,
That's why soul of mine is good..

I am trying to do my best I could,
But you are behind me & walks to extent you should,
Without your help I was not able to stood,
That's why soul of mine is good..

You are that person who blessed me like a tactor,
You are my bene factor,
And don't let me lose hope,
That's why soul of mine is good..

To score the highest marks,
And to get good remarks
You always advised me to do my best,
And after that take some time to rest,
That's why soul of mine is good..

- Sahaj Sabharwal.


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