Owen Hamalala

Biography: My name is owen hamalala am from zambia Am a poet who writes from within Writing poems is something i keep doing And i also draw

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Owen Hamalala
Monday 17 February 2025



Welcome do zambia  were our currency has an unstable frequency 

Were democracy of hypocrisy 

Were leadership is on 



Welcome to Zambia.

Welcome to zambia we're insults have become our nation anthem to which we  listen to and stand attention .

Welcome to Zambia were  mother thats bleeds

And we watch live in HD from the South to Eastern ,

North to west 

Welcome to zambia were pamela is still trending 

Like a song yet to be sang .

Welcome to zambia were people disappear(pamela) in a liver 

Called your province a liver that doesn't fear the human

But feeds on the human kind ......

Welcome to zambia were beauty of a girl is defined by her curves ¥f her body and light skin

A place were young ladies drink like they're fathers and smoke like they brothers 

Welcome to zambia .

Welcome to zambia were you trend for being dam 





Zambia a place were teenage pregnancy is a competition but yet fathers don't take responsibility .

Were we exchange nuds just for a trend 

Welcome to zambia were mothers want to leave like they're children(kids) a long line of lost generation

Christians ✝️ we are called but our lifes say otherwise .

So I say Welcome to my country 

Were I know people that are determined to tell 

They stories different 

Were unsung heroes ,unnamed and unseen icons

 Welcome to zambia 

Were you find our leaders of tomorrow whose tomorrow never come 

Or our monthly income that never comes in like we do


When we make love to forget the pain that we ourselves have occurstrede

Welcome to zambia were we dream of 

Going to school but no jobs available 

Instead of school becoming the tool 

To good future 

Welcome to zambia were you only get respect when 6fit under 

Welcome to zambia were student pray ,Shouting and praying in tongues like they will graduate 🎓 with degree's  

The problem is not with prayer

But praying only when  you need something 

I have a dream of a better Zambia

Were we never have to cut ourselves into pieces 

Were love never dies 

I dream of a zambia were every woman is a pillar 

Not a stool or a pleasure tool


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