Owen Hamalala

Biography: My name is owen hamalala am from zambia Am a poet who writes from within Writing poems is something i keep doing And i also draw

Owen Hamalala 's Profile

Owen Hamalala
Monday 6 May 2024


Written by k2h Kvg Owen Hamalala @2020 Looking for a fresh page Embracing the new age Seeking for a fresh start Tearing my past apart Taking off my old chains Hoping all is not in vain Fighting daily to gain Trying again and again Overlooking the pain Struggling to attain Endeavoring to sustain Pushing myself so far Targeting to reach far Reaching out for stars Wishing on shooting stars Climbing into the clouds Ignoring all the doubts Knowing what counts Pulling of all the stunts Forgetting all my fears Whipping down the tears Smiling through the years Achieving what I could


Owen Hamalala
Monday 6 May 2024

Picture not perfect

    Life line Picture ! Not perfect  Say's much about me Made some bad choices in life  Rumors about me ain't fabricated stories  I have put on some stitches With the intention to make it right Thinking of cutting my left leg Just so i could stand right My  Life of  crazy jeans Who else needs some stitches Cause every patch needs stitches  Wickedness plays the drum as we all  listen and transcend  The world dances to its tune As silence yield in sorrow death keeps stealing the leaders of tomorrow As the future sees blick  Discrimination has planted in the world Nepotism and tribalism keep harvesting the crops Beneath the ground says "its stomach has been occupied" But hunger keep feeding its stomach with humans  Read through in-between lines cause even  a blind man can  Pocket keeps crying because it is empty The blazing sun smiles at the wretched As they anticipate the moon to open its eyes  Dam ! Lord have mercy! Picture not perfect Perfection is just a beautify poetry poetried  In poetry  Sometimes what comes to mind is me smoking But what happens when this cigarettes smokes me? And the smoke runs dry  To Drying my lips  when you think the only solution is death You will get your answer as you hold your breathe Cause it does  Picture ain't perfect• So if i take my heart out with a dagger And serve you it on a siver platter What would be your answer Cause it would have been nothing  But empty words saved silver plate


Owen Hamalala
Monday 6 May 2024


Let's not brag about begging free Long gone are the days when tears would drop We no longer see the light at the end of a tunnel That s why our eyes are blinded to the truth As we became night crewers in this cold world Now we are x men with ragging hope with in I hope you will be able to tell Wat kind of poem this is We are like strange doctors who's ability will make you marvel We have no class rap ! Nor physician captains in America ???? Cause this is Zambia were we only see Mr Zambia And you vision cant see them unless u are a cyclops they delivered unsaid words of broken Promises Were we fight like Unlike Zulu in the battle of the mulatuzi river Fought for they're right They traded they're birth right ......... .....so think twice ...Take time to think twice, The haters of joy! I guess I missed the target In my taught and classes Looking round my world To see and hope! If joy I hope could be clapping In the means of foes! Hatred grips my grapes As I soar with sorrows! Finding way to walk from my mind to soul I saw a deep journey Tunneling down my dreams With saga and storms ..so let me reintroduce myself am the last of my kind I did die i just barred myself in the sands of time hoping some day that I will hear the truth see we were kings and Queens till we turned into slaves in our own houses ??? we are the really misfits we keep shape-shifting like mi stick but we missed the trick the only time we are hero's is when we dream . Cause reality is nothing but a dream ... Copyright ©?H2O ©? 2023


Owen Hamalala
Monday 6 May 2024


My Heart Skips a Beat My hurt skips a beat at the Mention of ur name My mind blazes in flames whenever I think of you, Just the smile of your pretty face forces me crack The dimples that lie behind your fleshy Cheek, The majesty in your walk Behold my hands make me feel like a slave of your love Let my legs run a thousand Lovely assignments for you Here is my tongue Allow it to profess and attest Your beauty in eulogy and harmony To the world I have nt seen yet,when my eyes have not gazed at your beauty I can’t get my eyes off you Seeing you doubles my lifespan A day with you is like heaven A holiday from hell Dam what can I say Am so privileged to enjoy this undeserving moments with a pearl from a place of unknown What name can properly adore you. You are more than just one Rib to me Your voice pours down with the exciting symphony down my spine Which rushes down my loins And sets me high Stay away from me lest let me die of thirst I mean come closer and set me free No,enslave me in your palms of pleasure A treasure hidden at the heart of the Ocean for me Let them perish those who hunger For you And forms an adversary to My future. Come rain,come shine In every Disaster You are meant for me And if I die,I will await for you like a bachelor At the other side, And when death takes you first A suicide will justify my love. H2O the silent poet ??


Owen Hamalala
Monday 6 May 2024


If love was a book It would be nothing but a messed up tell without A happy ending locked away out of reach from People (children) simply put a secret system is insure from the broken heart t Am pretty sure that the Author must known Why If love was a book it would be like a history book walking past through it like memory lane Giving meaning, peace and tranquility It would be like a movies trailer running into chapters of never ending sad stories of broken hearts Thought gone astray like the prodigal sun Blank sheets, period missed Mind speaks if love was a book with lost souls i would dig dip to redeem its lost scroll ?? Like a farmer tool my pen would write as whole Refusing to cultivate words If love was a book with a blank page i would write a sonnet of 5 lines conveying words of togetherness Our system like is a broken campus We are all in the web of the unknown you see with phone screens darkness is not our fear anymore It is too much light that is blending Too much knowledge!!!!! Such that you don't need to ask anyone anymore cause uncle Google has it all If love was a book it would be nothing but empty promises Put in one page of misery life line ones in a life time Its would be the language so sad stories never brought to light If love was a book It would be one of those books I despise the most But in the end it's a beautiful thing Written by H2O the silent poet


Owen Hamalala
Monday 6 May 2024

untitled thoughts

I've been in love before and I've had that love shatter & break into pieces, I wrote silence in that time-frame...an

d people asked me what inspired it, and I have always had a hard time answering that question, partly because, emotionally so much was going on then, and partly because the poem sort of opens up old wounds. But in hindsight, I nearly wrote some lousy angry, ex-lover didn't appreciate my piece which demonized women instead of (silence), and I think I only wrote the latter because of the servants of God that were feeding me spiritually at a really dark depressing time...and I can thus say a major component of writing(silence) was responsibility. Recognizing that I was responsible for my actions of which lady I perused or not, & the big one: I was responsible for which type of person I fell in love with (to an extent anyway)...now, a lot of us are fed the jazz that falling in love is just some spontaneous, random act that u have no control over, but truth be told often we fall for people who match a certain list of prioritized traits that you have consciously or subconsciously deemed as desirable/attractive. If you're honest with yourself, look back at your exes, they signify what you found most appealing in the opposite sex at the time...why all this? My point?...we take it back: RESPONSIBILITY. Lots of you are so angry with your exes. So settled in this position of being a victim of some guy's lies or cheating or some girls neglect or materialism. And while you may have valid points, maybe the person you should be angry with is yourself, angry at the inconsistent, superficial, unbiblical, traits that you subconsciously find desirable. Not those tuma edited, church friendly, rehearsed responses you give to your pastor or parents about what you looking for in a man/woman but that 'alone in your room guilty pleasure' smile you have when you think about so & so. Renew your mind & heart. Cry out to God for him to place new desires that you appr


Owen Hamalala
Wednesday 27 December 2023


Oho Love, sweet love, so pure and true, 

You see true love Has a power that can't be subdued,

It can lift you high, make your heart sing, 

But also leave you in dilemma, wondering.

For love can bring joy, but also bring pain, 

And leave you in apredicament, unable to explain, 

It's a feeling so strong, it can't be ignored, 

Yet it's a risk that can leave your heart broken

When two hearts are entwined, it's hard to let go, 

Even when the path ahead is uncertain and unknown,

The fear of loss can cloud the mind, 

And leave you with in dilemma that's hard to unwind.

As you ask yourself to follow your heart, or heed your head, 

And risk losing the love you've always wanted? 

It's a choice that's not easy to make, 

And can leave your heart and soul at stake.

But love, sweet love, is worth the risk, 

For its rewards are great, and its magic brisk. 

So take a chance, follow your heart, 

And let love be your guide, from the very start.

Owen the silent poet


Owen Hamalala
Thursday 12 May 2022

My society

My world/ my society 

By H2O the silent poet 

the young turn old

babies commit suicide using the umbilical cord.

Miscarriage of justice never grows old 

and trust me this ain't a code.

...saints roam around the streets with broken haloes coz people are cold.

Faith is timid as it hangs with a noose in your heart, I can tell you not bold.

Faith folds its fate within a grim letter,

now our lives are turning into some mold.

When fate gets darker, the root of all evil suffices~ now our motive is gold.

....graves turn when dead men tell tales, yet the scripture never told us

I'm tired of this old rhyme, well excuse the pun

but I'm really tired of these fictions, killing ain't fun.

Oooho  listen, while I turn this rage into a page,

girls face a wrinkle in time coz they couldn't keep up with the pace.

I saw her feel her consequences using braille cause she opted for a blind date,

They are saying prevention is better than cure but they are benefiting from these rates.

we feel the belly of the beast its chew of the seven deadly sin, see~  my soul faces the burning gates.

this is the burden of proof that we will pay for our sins..................

#owen hamalala 


Owen Hamalala
Thursday 12 May 2022

Silence Becomes Violence

Written by H2O the silent poet 

Silence Becomes Violence

The society has become blind, deaf and dumb

Its emotions have become numb  

The knights are in deep slumber

Or are in the grave

The land seems to have no brave souls 

People are robbed in broad daylight

No one dares to fight for the right

People lie for self comfort , old despised

Humanity manhandled, not revived

People see, hear but not speak 

Were phones have more value than ones soul 

This is the generation of the meek

The youth is busy in making video

Seems they have their own studio

Share the video, stare the woman

We have become unethical human

Sitas are abducted

No girl is protected

People roam without fear

Is this modernity, my dear?

Humanity is caged

But no war is waged

Listen, if you have any guts in you

Be the brave lion, not like cat that just go 



When crime spreads

Blood like water sheds

Women naked and raped

Humans chained and caged

Children fade and afraid

When lie is held high

The truth feels shy

Parents are thrown out

Criminals roam without doubt

When riots are solemn right

There is neither vision nor light at the end of the tunnel 

When youth is used

Only to be misused

When the country is in ruins

Satan and Mephistopheles are twins

When home is not safe

Even father commits rape

If you still keep the silence

This is called master violence

Silence in these times

Is the heinous crime sickening 😪 

Rise and eradicate the crime 

Reinstate the peace,in  humanity elevate

Copyright @2021


Owen Hamalala
Monday 9 May 2022

A Letter to my crush

Written by H2O the silence poet

A Letter to my crush

My crush is cheating on me

Thats why i  feel ! Betrayed 

Heart broken 

 this is personal affair

not be  revealed to a single  soul

I don't want to know, if she is my future wife

that I will marry in the near future 

Nancy ! Please ,don't scare me 

away my love for you is from depth of my heart. my mind is not at ease 

             You cannot pretend.

that you have not been informed, by the way I look at you

In my  dream  last night we had a conversation remember 


Such dreams are rare were you get to have a conversation with 

You crush

Oho Nancy!!,I cannot seduce 

you during the  daylight

and there is no use ,trying is like 

re-visiting the point blank ⚫ 

again,no need to be  reject again , '

When ever I see men 

walking beside you my heart brokes into Thousand of peaces 

it seems not  be true

that he is nothing but a friend,my eyes ball roll over like

My feelings

Your lifestyle is beyond boys' persuasion

of admirng you ,a pain

never to be cured like a disaster 

What Am I 

I am that brave man with gats  to approach

you,and  act like its easy for any man t

 Attention, is  all you seek 

like a formal talk,

maybe I am not talking .

you bring in the silence 

but you are the will power that is 

able to make the silence 🔕 follow 

the feelings will be felt by both my precious one 


As you walk and wave at other boys 

And gently making them feel warm 

Oho please don't cheat on me dear one 

I have never met you at a cross-road 

Cause when we cross paths am shy to meet 

You in person 

spare me the confusion.


no need for belching.

I do sleep early

to be on time in my dreams were talk 

maybe to catch your responce

in a dream,but supposedly,

you go to bed late,why do you  cheat on me?

With another 

Wen I get this chance,


        Yours faithfully 



Owen Hamalala
Saturday 26 March 2022

The pain of the world

The pain of the world
We are like skeletons in the museums display
By the suffering that has plagued us.
O lord let Death;
take us away
poverty has become the lullaby we sing every night.
If life it's a promise,
I rather be the picture,
I'd hate seeing myself drowning,
Starving has become my language of the day ,
I'm the smile,
As we gaze through the streets!
Do not let us die in hunger.
Where are our parents?
Where is the womb of our flesh?
Where are the graves to testify,
We had parents?
Why do lamentations salute us?
For our ribs are like stretch marks,
Reflecting on our chest
how long must we safer
As poverty makes us older than our age.
Some would say we are the leaders of tomorrow.
But if our present looks this way,
Tell me!
What does our future hold?
As our heart drips with stream of oceans
We are like leaves in the air,
That can be taken away by a strong wind.
Designed by hunger and thirst.
If you ask us why we look this way,
We would tell you the world reformed us;
For this is not how we're meant to be.
But who are we to question gods plan
To change the hands of time,
And reverse these pains and agony.
Who are we to question our fate and destiny
For betraying our trust and hope.
We are nothing but clays
In the hand of the Potter.
And if these be the shapes He wishes
To mould us into;
We prayed all nights;
When shall our prayers
Be the building block of life?
Why our faces are the mother's deal of sorrow?
When shall joy welcome to us?
Oh, God! Wept the affliction of our faces.
Oh God take a look around
we are living just to die if it's not by the sword of our brother
then it's by the sword of nature
cry out in pain
In the touch of your faded memory
You can't leave today
You can’t
I know you will never return
No one is waiting for this.
Your face is the color of the mind
The mind is drawn to the
border of the chest
When the eye rain again
Silently our face is washed away.
Feelings cry out in pain
In the touch of fading pain
Written by kvg owen


Owen Hamalala
Saturday 26 March 2022

Broken reality

The Reality is
A broken mirror reflects ultimate terror.
The reality is
We all have the ability to get the pain when expectations run away from our brain.
The reality always hits you.
Forget it, even if I told you, you probably wouldn’t wanna hear it.
An accursed life without a hope of sincerity,
Listen as I spit these words with meaning and clarity.
The truth reveals monstrosities many don’t wanna hear it,
Debate all you want but do you really think you can handle it?
no, coz this is my reality and you cannot have it.
even if you were given the opportunity to enter it, the truth is,
this is my reality and you probably won’t understand it…
loneliness gives way to hope
Respectfully declined, lost in vengeful victory
Where love triumphs and hope is a futile answer
Where feelings, dreams and destiny have been stolen
Given freely, tempted by life, we control fate
If you’re in the game, you’ve already won
give up the mediocrity coz my life without a doubt is built on my idiosyncrasies
that not even the madmen could possibly hope to imitate,
Listen as I regurgitate the truth, my well being consists of needles and drugs
which makes my body quiver with hope,
do me a favour and just hand me a rope,
to terminate my existence in an instance,
coz I cannot take this pain any longer,
I mean just yesterday I felt but stronger.
but reality like a thousand slaps across the face
serves as a constant reminder which I hate to embrace,
that death draws nearer, life’s not fair as I gasp for air
in the emergency room, reaching to God to give me breath.
But the heavy beating of my heart pounds loudly against my chest, as the doctors and nurses rush in to stabilize my condition, fighting to stay alive becomes a losing battle,
as my body rattles from the electronic gadget trying to bring me back to life, strife is the language between my heart and mind, as the alarm beeps faster,
shock takes over, as flat line occurs
then the doctor says… he’s gone,
contact hes family and friends


Owen Hamalala
Saturday 26 March 2022


Lets listen to the tongues of our feelings
and the noise of slient mouths
like calm river in still motion of ...
let our eyes be bail out of jail
Without a price tag
eyes to eyes
we will stare and
away in a deep distance
until the wish of our heart spread like pebbles
call me a fool of love stupid
that is the shadow of my being
i am like a strange stream
at the edge of the earth
where noise is forbidden fruit
don't give me your heart
from the chest of another man
i don't have .......
and let no blood know me
for the eyes of heaven is upon me
like the tongue of flames on apostles
don't leave me
like the coldness of a river
after the touch of the sun
and don't come close to touch me
you know i will die
your hands will kill me
if it lead me where we can stretch...
and fill a dept with viscous
of white water
from which regrets grow after
silent treatment
Silence is
the ultimate disguise.
It cloaks the truth
silence is beauty
a gentle absence
that cools
the fevered mind
silence is hope
a quiet place
where thoughts
become dreams


Owen Hamalala
Saturday 26 March 2022

If silence could speak

if silence could speak
loud than words
it would echo through my eaching born
it would speak the language of the unknown
a myth to yet discovered,
unvilled like the
hidden cloth of secret barried to human eyes
it would crep around the darkness just to feet
in the silent moment of untold story
of a broken world and its silent moment
of lost souls
silence is the hidden pain of a lost poet
yet to be discovered in its trasgration
silence it's an agnosing
emptiness that turns
ur soul inside out
the silence it brings
burns out all hope within ones


Owen Hamalala
Saturday 26 March 2022


written by owen hamalala
title silence
An emotion that has no motion.
it screams when all is in mute
silence is eyes that can see;
Lungs that can breathe, and ears that can hear;
For silence sees what nobody can bear to see;
In that moment of silence
Silence is like a voice washed in waves of tranquility
Silence is
Without words but yet special in verse and rhyme
Hidden in nature’s
,m.silence is the
hope within the art
like whistle in the dark
embraces your fear
as It deepens your tear
its like death brought to life
It’s a moment of silence
a fear behind the strength
a sound more piercing then anything
A moment were fear dwells
And fill the mind with lies
Silence is the darkest moment locked in as we all look
Away now am one of the forgotten
A parasite that slowly eats up your mind
Ands gives doubt
As the truth falls down the erusion
We become silence is war between who
We are and who we are made to believe
As we hide behind the silence
The still motion of silence
Is the darkness creeping into daylight
Leaving treasure hidden in my mind
The memories we had has faded
The betters sweet of dreams made in silence
Never stop


Owen Hamalala
Thursday 17 February 2022


Precious sabeta

I met her on the eve of January 31st 2017

A woman of fine beauty and brains one cannot deny

She gazed at me with those beautiful loving eyes,

As if hypnotized I had to make her mine

She opened her mouth to speak and I felt so weak

But then her voice so sweet fell on my ears, relieved my fears

She embraced me with grace, her smiling face soothing my conscience

I never thought I’d ever meet someone so gorgeous

My goodness gracious she said her name is sabeta 

You see, I was seduced by the looks and the glamour

Of this fine individual with a sense of humour

Like her name she reflected an image of perfection

I was trying to hide these feelings of repression

Emotions overwhelming logic and reason

Like a pleasant drug, she had clouded my vision

Eyes blurry and her name echoing in my ears

Something this precious is usually very rare

Or maybe I’m already in love I was just unaware

Her presence is missed every time she’s not around

I begin to think of her every time I hear the sound

Of my cellular phone ringing damn, she gets me day dreaming

About spending time with her my heart is still aching

To have her all to myself and it’s almost breaking

When I think of her my heart increases its beating

And when she not around my happiness starts decreasing

I’d like to ask her out but have not the courage

Afraid she’s already taken or booked for marriage

Fair Precious who is so fine,

I will not rest until I make you mine.



Owen Hamalala
Saturday 8 January 2022

A crying child

My heart drips with oceans pain

As I look out into the sea from where the winds come from

Deep into the heart of a land

A land bounded by two rivers

Right in the soul of a broken hearted

In a land filled with milk and honey

built by our strength, blood and soul

Right in the the heart

A mother of many children

What has become of our unity?

When we now see ourselves as rivals

Where sentiment and interest now make and break us

We are our own strength and our own weakness

Now the sun  set where the East and West crosses by

The North stands still and watches the East and West rage forth

Why should what bind us break us?

When we are our own strength and our own weakness

Weep not, o! Child of zambia

How long will a mother breast feed her child?

When the child has breed forth children

When should what bring us together make us?

While we see ourselves not as foe but victors of struggle

Weep not, O! Crying child

Why should yesterday be the dream of tomorrow?

And tomorrow’s future is like the mirage of yesterday’s dream

When tomorrow’s dream is yesterday’s history.

Cry not, o! Weeping child

For our tears will one day yield hope

When yesterday’s dream will be tomorrow’s future

And hope makes the future of tomorrow yesterday’s dream

Last modified: 4 Nov 2021


Owen Hamalala
Saturday 13 November 2021


written by owen hamalala
title silence
An emotion that has no motion.
it screams when all is in mute
silence is eyes that can see;
Lungs that can breathe, and ears that can hear;
For silence sees what nobody can bear to see;
In that moment of silence

Silence is like a voice washed in waves of tranquility
Silence is
Without words but yet special in verse and rhyme
Hidden in nature’s
,m.silence is the
hope within the art
like whistle in the dark
embraces your fear
as It deepens your tear

its like death brought to life
It’s a moment of silence
a fear behind the strength
a sound more piercing then anything
A moment were fear dwells
And fill the mind with lies
Silence is the darkest moment locked in as we all look
Away now am one of the forgotten
A parasite that slowly eats up your mind
Ands gives doubt
As the truth falls down the erusion
We become silence is war between who
We are and who we are made to believe
As we hide behind the silence
The still motion of silence
Is the darkness creeping into daylight
Leaving treasure hidden in my mind
The memories we had has faded
The betters sweet of dreams made in silence
Never stop

Copyright of kvg


Owen Hamalala
Saturday 13 November 2021

I'm scared of you

written by owen hamalala H2O
silent poet
title i`m scared of you

this is not a love story but This is my confession
Yes I am scared of you
Is it because of you big brown
Eyes that make me shiver or the
Depose to your smile

This heart betrays me every time
I gaze apon your beauty

I am scared of you

Is the smile that cuts up your lips or
The is it the colour of your skin
The impecfection in the eyes of a stranger
As I keep gazing upon you beauty
Not so far from perfection but you perfect
Captured in my thoughts arrested in my on mind
Of Curiosity
I am scared of you
Or is the way you look at me right now
Your high expection
Is it the way you talk
Or the rudness
that scares me
My mind my body is forcused
I made them one
See this life is wealth living
You represent the true african beauty
Am scared of u
You see
Performance will not give you
Your beauty is like a parasit that eats up ones mind
Weh will I ever respond to this conviction
Of being scared
This is not love love story but but this is my confession
Yes I am scared of
Is it the way I picture words flying from
her lips like weapon or its the brokeness
I see within her heart
She is like a broken glass but still transperent
Rude and irrational but still obedient
To the cause respected by all but yet diabolic
In her eyes I see,the hurt ,the betrayal but still chooses
To live her life
I am scared of you
As I battleded with my consciousness
With this new this called fear
Lose of words wen I hear her voice
You see you were an accendent waiting to hapen
Now it has happened the accedent that scares me
My voronability have been exposed like saws which
Is why I keep coming back
Like the waves that return to the show
Even wen it has been pushed back
I am scared of you
If could write the notes of the song
To which beauty of creation
And nature sing along [too]
Blind guessing and trusting my hunch
I could dig deep into earth's chambers
Searching for sparkly and precious


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