Richards Tanimonure

Biography: Tanimonure Richards Adewale is a poet from Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria, the homeland of the great poet, Wole Soyinka. He is a two times top 20 finalist of the BPPC Poetry contest in the year 2022. He has been published in anthologies such as Healing Hands, Beauty Of Failures, A Country Of Broken Boys and many more. He is a Teacher and Home Parent at Thames Valley College, Likosi-Sagamu, Ogun State. He can be reached on 234 913 080 5564 or

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Richards Tanimonure
Monday 23 October 2023


yanked away by a bread

that made a gulf of my fire,

i become a lonely cold breeze

seeking a baptism of heat. 

you come with a soft sun

beaming the butter of my groin.

alas! am an ocean of phallus

steaming a creamy lust of love. 

a man must feed his hunger

when a sweetest sleek sin sits

a very delicious plate of sex

with an aroma of holy bed. 

and so i rise a praying pestle,

throbbing my forgiveness strong;

i rise a pleading rock pestle

to pound my sin hard and long. 

i become a pardoned mount

with a joyful pain growing much

of the flood of tears in a home,

of the burning peace of a soul. 


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