Richards Tanimonure

Biography: Tanimonure Richards Adewale is a poet from Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria, the homeland of the great poet, Wole Soyinka. He is a two times top 20 finalist of the BPPC Poetry contest in the year 2022. He has been published in anthologies such as Healing Hands, Beauty Of Failures, A Country Of Broken Boys and many more. He is a Teacher and Home Parent at Thames Valley College, Likosi-Sagamu, Ogun State. He can be reached on 234 913 080 5564 or

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Richards Tanimonure
Thursday 7 December 2023


a man sat on a pile of smithereen dreams

and rowed his pains backwards 

on a cortina sea. 

the same eyes stand his mirror 

of weeping and weary journeys

with no muscles found 

of a star seriously seeking. 

the same eyes fall his stubborn faith

into fragments of fears and a calling hunger;

the hunger of a sweet death. 

he stands on the rubble of grey failures

and lost count of how he shot amazingly

at his stars; shot and scored wounds. 

how each strong brilliant arrows

only shatter the sun of success in his face

into a very cloudy rainfall of purest sadness. 

he rowed and rowed and rowed

many memories;

yes! he rowed. 

that poured and poured and poured

many agonies;

yes! that poured

as a wild and wicked rainstorm

punishing or polishing a big diamond

in the cruel and loving fires

of an earth simply doing its job. 

he rowed and reached the deep shores

where travelling pains berth a balm of joy

as the birth of a new strange dawn,

welcoming with warmest happier tongue,

"eureka! eureka! eureka!"


Richards Tanimonure
Thursday 7 December 2023



the feet is a snail

of an angry journey

that whips with a horizon

star celebrating.

take up the steel

that beats in your chest

and tell the fuming road

your slime is your self. 

the paw is not you

for a hare of the task,

and the miles condemn you

sure not of your slide. 

feast on, your star,

with the inch of your feet

and grow on your task,

a horizon beaming. 

the tortoise is a lion 

of earth's glinting win

where man is a star

of a faithful feet. 

so take up your steel

and smile your slime on;

nike, your guardian wings,

"just do it" his score words. 


Richards Tanimonure
Monday 30 October 2023


the day prepares

to wear its dark dress;

lobe twins twitch and switch 

to shivering still guards;

a shrill of a shriek 

to a weeping skin

running the dreadful river

of a coming satan. 

lord have mercy!

it is a battle night. 

o lord, please have mercy!

eyes have no runway of sleep

to taxi forward swift

to the sweet skies of dreams. 

o lord have mercy! 

winged needles silent  descend - 

tiny terrors in thousands from hell.

solo flutes flutter, pain playing 

a cringe, a scream of "help!"

an adamant hard attack

no weapon can strongly quell.

not even the poisonous hiss

that angrily stands and faces

with an all-round trigger of mist;

they run; they dodge; they watch;

they come; they launch; jabs; hot!

it is a serious battle night. 

it is an unhappy dark time. 

the bed with the weary tosses;

the body with the fighting muscles;

the skin weeping and yelling;

o lord, please kindly have mercy! 

who has not the tell

of these demons so cruel?

a feast of blood always;

a feast of blood all days;

a hardened heart of hate;

why did God them create?


Richards Tanimonure
Monday 30 October 2023


cube and anna -

sky of gaga

thoughts and tongues

of a rainfall. 

very heavy smoke;

see its strong billow

muscling its cash power

stark upon the globe.

rugs and carpets laying

of big boys spree spraying;

you don't have the heart,

die! or better still, faint quick!

money is the earth;

earth is the money;

the two you must have

or else just shut lips!

but then what's the fire

burning smoke this strong?

pure burn of heaven

or secrets deep, long?

times are the wide eyes

of money parade;

vanities on errand

to push rats on race.

hustle for the money

bustle for the fame;

take the shortest shown route,

arrive 'bang!' so great.

money is double mouth

and twice shown of eyes;

hear it twice and louder;

see it deep and wide. 

money is the earth;

earth is the money.

both are six, half dozen

of how you think it. 

cube and anna -

rainfall of these words.

let it water wisdom;

let it grow....... full stop.


Richards Tanimonure
Saturday 28 October 2023


the wings of a man

finds a nose to nestle

his restless high fire

burning a hunger. 


a goddess of yes

to a seeking worship,

to a searching sacrifice

is this wings of man


and so his wings stand

a breathing statue,

a pulsating corpse 

at the bust of venus. 


no arrow so sweet

shot a ghost journey

to a still butterfly

is this wings of sight. 


"o ye sky and space,

tarry no more again;

today smiles your heart

at this lips of ask."


a flower is an altar

of pretty seeking words.

an altar is a goddess

of a poetry of love


and so a searching wings

takes a purest heart 

on choicest of verses,

faithful a sacrifice 


of eternity offering

to a rich rose of seek;

that she will be juno

of his life and his earth. 


o ye sky and space,

tarry no more again. 

today is aphrodite

and apollo 's marriage.


Richards Tanimonure
Wednesday 25 October 2023


welcome to the school 
where a child learns with pride
to till the keyboard of lies,
plant deceptions in cyberspace,
harvest fast cash, fast cars, fast babes
as a gaga glittering annoyance;
what a glamorous angst!

welcome to the school 
where a child learns with pride
to feed his childhood with breasts,
grow his teenage years with vagina,
be a sex celebrity in every corner
and abortion king of womb’s dread. 

welcome to the school
where a child learns with pride
to be indian hemp’s beloved pal,
kith and kin of marijuana,
‘shayo’ for life, great ‘semiganja’;
alcohol ‘s flaunt of realest nigga. 

welcome to the school 
where a child learns with pride
that the official language is slangs,
curse is a natural mother tongue,
bloody fights, a must for the champion
who wants to rule and reign over others. 

“ otunba lamba,
ma lo gbe yen wa o!
on a tramadol level ni mo wa,
mo ti mu werey yo o!
mo ti fa werey yo o!
ma je kin skuchi ori e,
gbe body joooo! “


welcome to the school 
where a child grows with pride
to be a family’s ache of tears,
neighborhood’s alert of fears,
nation’s disgrace of a hit fraud
in the name of yahoo boy, yahoo plus. 


Richards Tanimonure
Tuesday 24 October 2023



one day,

we flew the white teeth

of a john and jesus 

as a big bright broom

of a changing sky. 

we galloped a trust

neighing a very fat joy

of the music of our hearts.

we galloped onwards,

hippity hippity hop,

music playing non stop

but then, a face began to peek;

little by little it began to speak

a tongue alien to our joys,

a tongue that our eyes thought

were words playing tease

of fear and much unease. 

we were given 

the beats of a great saviour 

to dance as salvation groove.

"be born again of an umbrella 's failures

for a heaven of 'change' good."

alas! the tongue we began to see

started galloping in intensity

the fears and unease we kicked

as a prank of an unserious tease. 

wild fires leapt and climbed higher

mad raze, callous burn of a land.

and we searched for the forerunner

his naked tongue of our plight.

we searched for the forerunner

who baptized us with lies and cries. 

we searched for his naked tongue;

we are still searching with deepest curse. 

one day

the wild fires will die;

we will behold the singes and  chars

of the heaven we were much promised

from a jesus christ of satan.

will he come back a jesus

with another heaven of lies and cries?

will he save us from this hell

for another of fires wilder?

one day.


Richards Tanimonure
Monday 23 October 2023


yanked away by a bread

that made a gulf of my fire,

i become a lonely cold breeze

seeking a baptism of heat. 

you come with a soft sun

beaming the butter of my groin.

alas! am an ocean of phallus

steaming a creamy lust of love. 

a man must feed his hunger

when a sweetest sleek sin sits

a very delicious plate of sex

with an aroma of holy bed. 

and so i rise a praying pestle,

throbbing my forgiveness strong;

i rise a pleading rock pestle

to pound my sin hard and long. 

i become a pardoned mount

with a joyful pain growing much

of the flood of tears in a home,

of the burning peace of a soul. 


Richards Tanimonure
Monday 23 October 2023


within these bricks

a child sits a journey

to be a stunning star

of a foetus of dreams. 

(s)he comes inside

a bright sun of a feet

to tour and traverse

with frisky fun high beats. 

he comes with pains

sweet as an agony. 

he comes with aches

tasty of maladies. 

she comes a god

of a thick money tongue. 

she calls the shots -

all are right, all are wrong. 

the walls's a battle

of the marker and pen

where one's a hit,

the other, crying red. 

and silence sits

an agama of a head

to the laughing sorrow,

to the sorrowful yes. 

and silence sits

a very strong dumb bomb

counting its time

a tortoise of its tocks. 

what shall we say?

what deep ink will we spill?

we must be silence

loud of a screaming seeing. 

we just and must

cry a very deaf mouth,

"mene mene

tekel urphasin" loud. 

a child, the walls

of proverbs twenty three

to build of him

a star with rot-less twinks. 

a child, the walls

of proverbs twenty three,

to groom of her

a dream without life stinks. 


Richards Tanimonure
Monday 23 October 2023



a land is hit

by a skinny beat.

splatters of his tongue

fly wildfires of his song;

red droplets of love

on every disciple caught. 

but a raging bullet

of sweetest of death

in every crab soul

with worn brush of head

is a glittering sheep

feeding fast his dreams

as a squealing plead

before a judas knife. 

a judas knife?

the blood of his life?

how come?

let the breeze careen 

the throat of brazen sin

as fires of rebellion,

burning a lost generation. 

let him raze that land

as an obedient task

for the horns who pinned

his sheep a big twink. 

he is a blind fire;

a senseless desire;

he is a trusted death

that dies a trusted death

as hit o'a trusted death

who rakes his sacrificed friend. 


Richards Tanimonure
Monday 23 October 2023


have you ever loved

a very dark night

with the deepest passion

of a very naked heart?

he takes you inside

a sensuous stomach

and covers you thick

with a fragile blanket.

you cuddle so warmly;

get fondled so hotly;

you throw away your face

and discard off your name

to burn the fiery fire

so sweet of a beloved pain. 

you never know!

oh! you never know!

a trusted much intestine

is an ugly public carcass

that shines your naked sun

a daylight of sordid fun. 

the world clashes tongues.

the world clashes thoughts.

and you become a sad night

wailing a muddied star;

wailing a beloved shine

now a twinkle of dirty light. 

you do not know.

oh! you do not know.

a passionate blanket 

is a judas of a love beat

that cooks a disgrace hit

of your 'banging'

"love me, love me, love me."

darkness is a beast

to wear 'my darling' words

and become 'koroba koroba'

feet, eyes of searching scorns.

darkness is a monster

as fucking 'somebody's son'

who is a painful blue screen

hottest as a diva's porn. 

oh! darkness!

tender, passionate blanket.

beloved so much sadness.

'open yansh' of nonsense. 

but you do not dine with two horns

and not eat a full plate of gores. 

you do not cry the peppery sores

that is your big stomach of disgust. 

earth has no belly.

never sleep your deep scar

inside a very deep, black

iscariot of a secret.


Richards Tanimonure
Monday 23 October 2023


graceful prey;

fire of the eyes,

inferno of dark forest

shooting high

the snake of paradise. 

you take me

these sweaty steps

of an exhilarating hunt

for your beautiful soul

and delicious firm hole. 

what ecstatic animal

plays a game of guts

with a stubborn will

as a maze of find

for the hunter's skill? 

yet and yes, you dare

a silent sturdy gun

stalking the intestines 

of a city; you turn

a heart to and fro

for a kill more than gold. 

now the rough field

lay a laughing sky

as the bliss graveyard

soul, hole happily died

of the cloud of eros,

waters of heavenly height. 

the rough soft field

is my hunter's bright pride

where the rock of a prey

flowed the butter of a catch,

sweet and creamy of a taste

as a worthy conquered wife. 


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