John Chinaka Onyeche

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John Chinaka Onyeche
Friday 7 August 2020

Take me to the altar

 Take me to the altar tonight 

The guided vaults can't stop us
Re-echoe those heart blowing
Words of yours that engulfed me
Like fireworks shining bright in the sky
That I am better than thousand
The numbers that sets me up

Take me to the altar tonight 

Re-echoe those heart blowing
Lyrics of paradise lost and regained
Within our hearts love is reawakened
With those eyes plugged deep
Down underneath this earthen cloak
See to it that you hurt me not

Take me to the altar tonight
Retold me about the tales of
Roses at the shore of river Nile
The roses that witness the first
Civilization of the world at large
Speak to me tonight or never
Days wasted in nothing is dangerous
My heart beats for you my darling

Take me to the altar tonight
Reassured me that my love is fire like
Garnished with laughter and joy
Happiness to be together forever
Don't wait for another day to come
Tonight is the night Daddy
Take me to the altar and make love to me
We shall give birth to holy things

© John Chinaka Onyeche 


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