Collins Aiterebhe

Biography: ...I recall the pernicious vent of inanity, an attorney of songs; a kiss of imaginative empathy that dwells occasionally in artistic isolation!

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Collins Aiterebhe
Tuesday 22 February 2022


We shall meet again Giorgio Baboni

We shall meet to volley in Lapalud

The white clads of winter

Shall shatter our dark coats

In the daylight stroll to Spar

At the mayor's county

Overlooking Placé Morale

I shall hid my face in fear

Away from Gendarmerie 

The sundset and sundown

With visits at Decathlon 

Young girls of this countryside

Shall yell our union

In the manner we join hands and walk

White and black

You will wave them with a smile

Ticketing the train to Avignon

Montellimar, Nantes and Lyon

To see the brothers at the Kingdom Hall

I shall enjoy sisterly hugs

France is home and beauty

But you my friend

You are the union of the world

The defeat of racism!

              -poems of Collins Aiterebhe


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