Adeyemi Adeeso

Biography: I live not for myself, for wherever I go I believe it is my responsibility, my duty to touch life. If you cant affect your generation, your generation will affect you..Let your gentleness be known to all men.#I'mgsoul

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Adeyemi Adeeso
Wednesday 24 July 2024


In the world where melodies resides,

Where notes and rhythms flows,

There lies a song, a timeless guide,

An orchestra of the divine.

It starts with a whisper, soft and low,

A gentle hum that stirs the soul,

A melody that begins to grow,

A seed of music taking its toll.

From the depths of hearts it springs,

A chorus of emotions, it sings,

With every verse, a story unfolds,

An embroidery of story untold.

It weaves it's spell,

A language that all can understand,

It speaks of love, of joy, of farewell,

Of dreams that slip through our hands.

It captures the essence of life's sweet dance,

The highs and lows, the twists and turns,

It echoes the laughter, the tears, the chance,

To feel alive as the music yearns.

It vibrates in the depths of our being,

A universal language, so deep,

It go beyonds borders, cultures and seeing,

A bridge that connects us , all around.

From lullabies that calm a restless night,

To anthems that ignite a fiery fight,

It holds the key,

To unlock the depths of our humanity.

So let us sing, let us raise our voice,

In harmony, let our spirits rejoice,

For in this orchestra, we find our way,

A deed to the power of what we say.

Forever it plays,

In the hearts of those who dare to listen,

A melody that lingers, never decays,

A timeless gift, a musical mission.


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