Naeem Rashidi

Naeem Rashidi's Profile

Naeem Rashidi
Friday 31 January 2025

Life or coin

I am happy to die for honor or even glory. A warrior race we search for the ends to feed families, doing the best we can serving Humanity.
Rats on speedways, positions come and go. Get money, as it grows on trees in some worlds. Coping with plants digestible expose nipples teacher's name a planet. Mini skirts may cause suffering among youthful herds. Nerds of nebulas the Galaxy and spiritual versus as we come back down to earth. Imaginations of the cattle that chain and rattle livestocks stations feed Nations. Fries and apple pies to to exit worlds and stains sprayed on Jerry curls. Playing games to free minds prodding brains and fluid from spines. How far will we go just to find a better junction I missed my merge. Watch as the masses may disrespect our Earth enslaving a continent to show your true windy colors. Yet animals are evolving? Snakes in from lakes that are awfully great may save us all. Hopefully not on planes that may crash into bathroom stalls. At such a young age I learned cursive, read the writing on the wall.


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