Sunday Akinbamido

Biography: Sunday Yemi Akinbamido is an erudite Programmer, a Poet and Preacher of the good news. His philosophy of life is based on the phrase "you can't take it with you", "For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out." 1 Timothy 6:7 -KJV.

Sunday Akinbamido's Profile

Sunday Akinbamido
Sunday 6 May 2018

Who Is Who Africa?

Who Is Who Africa?
The Mandiba of South,
A golden fish in a blue sea,
Ceased racisct submarine.

And Kwame of West,
The last breath in a vacuum,
Removed veil of slavery.

Who is who Africa?
Stared vacantly from deep,
The Kenyata of East,
A custom of peace in a sphere,
Traversed liberty.

And Garvey of Caribbean,
Sail the ship amidst Ocean,
To promise land.
Who is who Africa!

Copyright (C) 2004. Akinbamido Yemi Sunday


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