Grace Adoga

Biography: A very creative youth, zealous student and poet.

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Grace Adoga
Sunday 23 July 2023

Running to meet Jesus (My Lover)

Running to meet Jesus (My Lover)

I have found Jesus my Lover

Jesus, the giver of strength and the light of life

My savior indeed

I will run to You my Lover

With all the luggage, sin and weight, destructions and anxiety of life,

I keep running 

The road gets tougher and narrow but I keep running

Running to Jesus my Lover

I know that once He sees me He would recieve me with open arms,

He will take me and cleanse me of all my sins, make me as white as snow.

Setting aside every weight, I press

I press on to the goal,

I continue.


I run to Jesus my Lover, who is ready to save me,

He is ready to receive me with open arms.

He is ready to guard me with all jealousy.

With all the weight

I am running to JESUS.

I am more convinced He will recieve me and receive me with open arms.

For those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength


They shall soar on wings like eagles

So I run to my Lover and groweth not weary.




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