Oluwaseun Akintaro

Biography: Oluwaseun Solomon Akintaro who hails from Ogbomoso, Oyo State is a prolific writer and a PhD student of the Department of English, University of Ibadan. He has diligently taught at different levels of academic institutions and as well directed several stage plays. He won the Uniosun (Department of Languages and linguistics) Best Graduating Student Award in the year 2014/2015. He thereafter proceeded to the university of Ibadan for his Master's Degree and later his PhD degree at the said University. He is also the author of "The Unforgettable Experience" and "Unknown to Yinka Ayefele"

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Oluwaseun Akintaro
Saturday 18 July 2020

Knowledge Sleeping in our Department

By Seun Akintaro

For how long 

shall we continue to write this Long Essay

Which shall eventually rest 

in the bosom of our school cupboards

While it waits unconsciously 

for who to wake it up from its slumber.

For how long

Shall we continue to write this project

Which shall eventually give some snores 

Right at the spot of its slumber

And earnestly calling for the attention

Of who to wake it up from its slumber

For how long

Shall we continue to write this thesis

Which shall unfortunately remain helpless

On the vertical-horizontal wooden foamless bed 

In our department

The four bound copies 

Patiently wait for a critical reader

Who is ready to put asunder

The sleeping paper-work 

and our departmental wooden-work

Oh!...our departmental shelves.

From our department

Great intellectuals are born

Writing to identify and find solutions

To societal issues just like my poem does.

Sadly, the black ink 

On the white paper is ignored!

Never blame me 

If I take the path of Auntie Seeme

A million will listen to my Duduke...

Or I rather take

To the path of Uncle T.K

My Saworo Ide within a day

will get a million view

May be then, shall the world

Be ready to perceive

The sweet aroma

Of my 'sleeping' knowledge;

And then, my voice be heard.


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