Seyi Ojenike

Biography: Abdul Quadr Oluwaseyifunmi Ojenike, a Nigerian poet and playwright known by his pen name Seyi Ojenike, is a passionate wordsmith with a talent for poetry. Inspired during a summer school program in Festac Town, his love for writing was nurtured by his teacher's encouragement. Graduating secondary school as the top student in multiple subjects, Seyi pursued a Bachelor's degree in Criminology and Security Studies after briefly studying law. Currently pursuing a Postgraduate Diploma in English Language, Seyi draws inspiration from literary giants like Wole Soyinka and Niyi Osundare. With a burning desire to contribute to the literary landscape, Seyi aspires to earn a PhD in English Literature and be opportune to contribute to academia by teaching in the English Department of one of Nigeria's prestigious universities.

Seyi Ojenike's Profile

Seyi Ojenike
Saturday 20 May 2023


What a journey, what a ride
From the first moment of conception
To the day of birth, and beyond
Motherhood is a beautiful song

The weight of responsibility
Can sometimes feel like a boulder
But with every coo and smile
A mother's heart swells with pride

The sleepless nights and endless days
Of diaper changes and feeding times
Are nothing compared to the joy
Of holding a tiny life in your arms

From the first steps to the first words
A mother watches her child grow
And though the journey is not always smooth
Love always finds a way to shine through

Motherhood is a journey of sacrifice
Of giving your all for another life
It's a journey that's both beautiful and tough
But a mother's love is more than enough

So here's to all the mothers out there
The ones who work tirelessly every day
May your love and sacrifice never go unnoticed
And may you always find joy along the way.


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