Shadrech Cayomble

Shadrech Cayomble 's Profile

Shadrech Cayomble
Wednesday 23 January 2019


That book,
This book
The book that you gave me
Brings a trail of memories
And melts my brittle bones
At the gaze of it
I bring to memory how hard our hearts where bound
The halls behind of our lips wound resound
Every bit of laughter
Every moment there after

When I open its pages
I behold your finger prints
Like an embroidery print embedded therein
And as I feel through the prints
An alley of images flash through my mind
Images of you holding my hand
As we embarked on that escaped
Into the woods bare feet
And there we would play hide and seek

But here i am
Sprawling languorously on this couch
Nostalgia mildly encroaching
While my fingers lie still on the pages
Of this book that enrages every thought of you
This book that you gave me
Speaks volumes and volumes trust me


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