Alexander Adewole

Biography: I am a poet of many worths An amorous quest for my heights Of many who care to listen to my thoughts I am a poet of many desires

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Alexander Adewole
Tuesday 29 June 2021



I searched from the four corners of the World for a beauty
I did find none
I came to Africa I searched the 54 nations
I did find none.
I came to Nigeria, limiting my search
From the North, no one see beauty.
I then travel down South
But the South was divided:
East I went I found none
South I trode I found none
My hope seemed lost.
Then, someone bellowed loud
Go West!
I stood still like a transfixed insect ready for dissecting.
Thinking of the six states.
Then, like a bolt from the sky
I found myself in Ede
Where the three footpaths meet:
One leading to Oshogbo
The other to Ede
And the third to Iwo.
My instinct played a part in my quest
I trode to Iwo, asking many
About beauty, asking them about Ewa
But they all point to one direction
I took the compass and arrived
Safely at Adewole's compound.
And lo and behold BEAUTY was standing right beside me.
Then, I fainted.


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