Ralph Okafor

Biography: I am a short pencil in the hands of a writing God sending a love message to the world.

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Ralph Okafor
Saturday 26 February 2022

Sweet Repose II

 Lol and behold,

 A homey grave in a lonely courtyard.

 Very pleasing to behold.

 Indeed, a lot of peace abides in silence.


I watched as tranquillity thrilled the nitch with life.

The sun lushed,

Whilst the shadow of the Baobab tree fell gracefully over the grave.

In dying whispers,

The soul beneath was speaking in a voice I could not understand. 

But his delights suffice. 

 Nothing beats the sight.

 Slowly and slowly,

 I advanced closer,

My belly swooned.

 Envious of the body that lies therein.

 My thanatophobia soon vanished.

 Oh! Death,

  I embraced this bed of roses.

 Romanticizing the day I will be lowered  into the ground.

The epitaph on the grave read...

 Hic iacet corpus...(Here lies the body of...)

 But none but my name hung on my lips.

 I hope one day I will welcome this kind of peace.

Rest in peace to this unknown name.


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