Esther Ndife

Biography: Ndife Esther is a 19year old poet, an ardent reader, a blogger and a podcaster. Easily intrigued and overly curious, she is always trying out new things and dropping quite the number as well. She has been writing from a young age on various genres but mostly poetry. Her first book, IN EVERY SHADE; a collection of poems is now available online. Get a copy now

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Esther Ndife
Sunday 29 November 2020


Brown bushes and green roads

Clay houses and yellow doors

Unfed flowers and thirsty cars


That was all I ran from

The unforgiving dust

Words that binds

Minds that are blind

Stories in cages

Broken but still captives

Running yet unmoving

Saved but unsafe

Red houses and purple flowers

Tiled roads that all lead to churches

One day and a million choices

Growing memories and ever young faces

I have found the change

Not that I'm safe

But I'm out of the cage.


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