Makinde Adeniyi

Biography: Makinde Adebayo Adeniyi is a Prince, Physician (by training), Poet, and Author. He has published 2 poetry anthologies titled "Night Marauders and Other Poems," published by Carrot Publishers in 2022, and "Echoes from the Savannah," published by Amazon in 2024. He is currently working on another poetry anthology. He writes poems about social issues, culture, nature, love, and medicine. Some of his poems are Afrocentric in nature with a tilt towards the Yoruba culture and tradition.

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Makinde Adeniyi
Saturday 14 September 2024

The Audacity of Hope

Day, fresh and fearless;
Night, a distant dream;
The sadness of noon, 

The sun sheds radiance on a new moon,
Crowning the hills in beauty and gold.
In blissful awe, the mountains 
Welcome the rains to the green.

Like dew, promiscuous fortunes,
Swallowed by the Yew.
A newborn, birthed with hope.

Desire, dare, seek.
Resign regrets, despise doubt.
Ponder, pause, pray.

Toil in the mines of knowledge,
Where courage silently labours 
into victory.

Watch the future fall 
in line.

From "Night Marauders and Other Poems" © Makinde Adebayo Adeniyi, 2022


Makinde Adeniyi
Wednesday 11 September 2024

New Yam

New Yam 


Death brings life

New, tender and green

Earth brown, immaculate white 


The priest heralds her coming

The town crier drums it

The farmer dances to the market

It's time to celebrate


Let loose the masquerades

Celestial visitors from yonder

Let the melody of the odó

Echo the birth of the new yam

Like the birth of a newborn

The drums are rolled out


The market is flooded

With news of its coming

The homestead salivates 

The streets jubilate


Vegetables will bleed today

The fattened cock will crow no more

The slumber of the pestle is over

For what is in the yam that the knife doesn't know


The noise of pounding

Will keep the neighbours awake

Iyán funfun báláwú is on the menu today


From: Echoes from the Savannah © Makinde Adebayo Adeniyi, 2024


Makinde Adeniyi
Sunday 8 September 2024


Every night I pay obeisance 

To all the pillars in the house 

Yet, by the morning

Clothes drenched, bed soaked

Awakening becomes aversion

At first light, mama said 

"How was the night"


"Oh! It has happened again"

More silence

Then shame 

Of drying the raffia mat

I looked up to Eledumare

Deliver me from opprobrium

Again, silence

Forlornly, I embrace fate

Doomed to be an Island

One day

I woke up dry

Is this a dream?

I told nobody

It must be delusion

Next day dry


Then dry



 From: Echoes from the Savannah. © Makinde Adebayo Adeniyi, 2024


Makinde Adeniyi
Sunday 8 September 2024



He left the way he came

A dog deaf to the hunter’s call

He visited the pot for a quick bite

Unwelcome guest, scheming swindler


He left the way he came

Drawn to the grave

By a ravenous craving

A quick bite from Eve’s apple


He left the way he came

The forbidden mould on an ingrown toast

A poisoned chalice

Beautifully irresistible


He left the way he came

Forgetting to distil his lust

Choked on his thrust

Just before he could burst


He left the way he came

Drawn by the depths of passion

Drowned in the shallow abyss

Of an irresistible pool

Sucked dry by the puddle of life


He left the way he came

Struck by mágùn1

Three somersaults like the slaughtered

Cockrel in preparation for dinner 

Or better still cum till the last drop of life

On the streets of El Dorado


From Echoes from the Savannah © Makinde Adebayo Adeniyi, 2024


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