Chuks Moks

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Chuks Moks
Wednesday 19 June 2024


´To err is human, to forgive Divine´

Legit hurt, legit pain

wounds, scars a symbol of issues thrashed

Can we go again, 

Could there be love again

Love again?

Love is a double edged weapon,

It´s strength could become poison,

A very latent one at that

To love is to die,

Man cannot truly love alive,

So when the man dies, then love can thrive

Cause only then can pride lose it's seat

To humility and meekness a total Defeat

Forbear the hurt in advance,

It makes it easier to bear

So the struggle is less a struggle, 

Cause there´s no bitterness there, 

Then you can smile to the pain in glee

In Christ we have victory.


Chuks Moks
Friday 5 April 2024

Painful bye

Twas love,
Without no disguise real love
We´ve been going strong,
Loving every moment rebukes and all 

The years came quick,
We had to leave each other
Working long distances only calls Linked
Brief visits, timed moments
Precious minutes prove so costly

A sudden call from an unknown caller,
Yeah it´s me;
I don´t get, it can´t be, I spoke with her recently,
Then it sets in,
I need to go home and get the family to set in

Her figure´s fragile,
Hands frail, looking so gloomy
Mama it´s me, no presence detected
The heart monitor still reading,
While my heart still bleeding:
I´m torn between emotions helplessly gasping, grasping, my lungs collapsing what´s happening
Then the memories flashes as the moment freezes, 
Choices made get weighed all in glance...

What is priority?
What takes priority ?
What makes priority ?


Chuks Moks
Friday 5 April 2024

Body shaming

Can I be real??? I mean can I confess???

I used to outline people!!!
Saying that that girl over there she´s Kinda psycho, that dude over there got Anger issues,
U see that one izza fornication, oh really tell me more,
It´s amazing how we became criminal judges n say detectives
When the redemption story clear stipulates that God came to save all that was lost,
Doesn´t that include bad guys too???

Anyways, in popular parler we call that amebo n gossip,
Ohhh ohhhh y´all didn´t know that men gossip too (giggles)
Una never jam
Well, thank God old things passed away n we put on the new
Else i´d have probably outlined you, you, you n yes you...lolllzzz

The awesomeness about the new life is that there´s a New outlining,
We outline according to our manuel, the word, the Bible,
So now when I look at a girl, I stare n behold the wonder of the incredible God,
Who took out time to carve every curve making sure that the shape is so captivating even if she doesn´t twerk, (lolllzzz)
A smile alone is mesmerizing i am lost under her spell... you gerrit

N when I see a man, I see God´s authority for leadership... wait y´all expecting more??? Well Amaka disappoints

The point is we are all made in God´s image,
Anytime you feel confused just go back to the word n flip from page to page,
N your réflection will résonate all over again,
So never let another body shame you,
Coz nobody did shape you,
If they got a problem they should report to the creator n not the création
We are all living epistles, so henceforth
Let´s be careful how n what we write... shalom


Chuks Moks
Friday 5 April 2024


Big Mama;

A woman and more,

Her smile takes away a million worries,

Her tears heals broken heart,

She always loves,

Always cares and always supports.

Big Mama;

A 20th Century Mother Theresa,

Lack disappears at Her presence,

Her presence makes festivities like Christmas make sense;

Hampers and gift items,

Big meals that does rekindle

the fire of love in the family.

Big Mama;

You will always be treasured,

You´ve left an indelible mark in our hearts,

We pray we can replicate all you exemplified and taught us,

We pray We uphold Your Love Legacy

We love you and will always love you.


Chuks Moks
Wednesday 27 March 2024

O Holy Night

Twas a frail cold and starry night,
The angels did Fill the air waves with glorious melodies that shone so bright,
All Heralding the birth of a boy in a manger
in a little town called bethlehem of Judea,

For In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.
In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
And d Word become flesh,

My Jesus, The visible image of the invisible God,
The first born of all creation,
The one that set things into formation,
Now steps into manifestation
Emmanuel God is with us

So we praise Him,
We worship Him,
We magnify Him
We adore Him,
We extol Him,
N We declare Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Coz lying in that cradle in swaddling clothes over 2000yrs ago
Lay Baby King Jesus
The Lamb of God...


Chuks Moks
Monday 25 March 2024

Greatest gbo gbo

Take me back!

Main gate; the entrance into a world of knowledge,

Legedez for the broke, bus for the average n cabs for the wealthy, 

Faculty for the writers, engineering for the psychs, medicine for weirdos, agric for the farmers and ekewhan for the creators.

Powerful FOLSA!!! Home for all,

Equity, where white n black are at ease,

The curriculum is so vitæ no second can be wasted;

We love to pray, we love to exercise, we love to read and we love our soirée, 

A true balance of spirit soul and body.

Our lectures were never dull moments,

Our lecturers deserve oscars definitely A-class actors, 

Role playing parents, motivational speakers, disciplinarians and much more,

They knew they were raising the leaders of tomorrow,

So they decided to correct yesterday´s mistakes,

Ensuring that the future will be bright,

So classworks were like assignments,

Assignments like projects, 

and Projects like propositions;

It was more than getting a grade, 

It was really about becoming a master,

Ready to disspitate his mastery with finesse.

Fast forward years after,

Powerful men and women in a room;

The chant greatest gbo gbo,

The echo reverbs in affirmation,

UNIBEN is still the best.


Chuks Moks
Friday 22 March 2024

King David

My lil baby is lil no more,

Never knew i´ll be saying little is big

Cause I saw you before I felt and held you

I will miss the newborn scrunch;

Ohhh how it made me feel,

The Startle reflex, ohh the gaze it caused,

The tiny size small enough to nap on my chest

The active sleeping that did give me rest

That milk drunk glare that made all eyes stare, 

That gassey smile that always proved worthwhile, 

Plus, the art of looking 4 milk in all the wrong places hahaha

Arise, shine your time has surely come.


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