Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu

Biography: A renown Poet and also a prolific writer who has contributed alot in world Poetry at large. Many of his works have been published in the sun magazine, The New Yorker, spillwords in New York, premium times Lagos, hello poetry, world Voices Magazine and Daily Trust etc. He has electronically published two (2) poetry books titled "Who Cares?" And "Before I Die". He is a former German delegate at Nigerian Army University Department of International Relations first simulation at the Tukur Buratai institute for War and Peace Buratai Borno State. Josiah is a graduate of International relations from the prestigious Nigerian Army University Biu, Borno state.

Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu's Profile

Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Wednesday 4 December 2024



In a corner I sat so lonely

They said I am not comely 

The say the lion is on the way

If I dare try, with my life I will pay  

I wonder as I wander

With many things to ponder

I assumed life is fragile 

For fear of destiny reptile 

My enemies assailed 

And my heart  failed

Aha! They said "let's eat him up

Like the sea, let's swallow him up" 

I was about to fearfully resign

My future that was gloriously designed 

For fear that I should die, I began to run

I felt hopeless and my mind begin to roam 

Ho, my child! A voice mumbled to me

Fear not, lift up your eyes and see

Your weeping days are gone

And your glorious moments are on 

In a twinkle of an eye  I saw a glimpse

Of angels given charge over me

Lest I should dash my feet

My path was cleared now I can see

My sorrow was  rolled away,

Since Jesus came to stay;

That was when I learned to pray,

And let Him have His way

The shackles were broken 

And the problems were forgotten

I'm shielded from every raid 

And I shall not be afraid.

©Yakaport Josiah




Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Wednesday 4 December 2024



My Brother Aliyu

It is gradually getting to a year

Since when we bit each other goodbye,

I have wondered if I shall see you again

My brother, you are more than a friend.

My Brother Aliyu

We have been through a lot back then

You are naturally a strong person

Can I ever walk with you again my friend?

Look at how time flies my brother.

My brother Aliyu

Your kind are few that I have met

I heard that you are betrothed now

Your woman must be a beautiful one

You must be a brave one to serve in the army

My Friend Aliyu

You have always stood positive

I will be glad to tell others about our time

Alot has happened to me my brother

I know you never knew about my misery 

My Friend Aliyu

Our friendship has stood the test of time

To day I must confess to the whole world

That I have missed you a lot brother

And I wish to see you again 

©Yaksport Josiah


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Wednesday 4 December 2024



Why do I sit here all alone?

Am I among those that lost hope?

Oh my soul be not dismayed

When you have not prayed

Mysterious is the content of the container

Tell me, Who can discern a pretender?

The uncertainty no one can ascertain 

I wish to say, if only I know for a certain

Boredom is part of sweet momment

Alone in solitude seeking own consent

Away from the world's communication

But oh, no one to render admonition

Where is everyone today?

Why am I deserted these days?

Alone in my chamber I lay 

Thinking about those days in May.

©Yaksport Josiah


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Wednesday 4 December 2024



You talk of wondrous thinks about me

You admire the things you see in me

You talk of my decency and personality 

Why do you admire my gentility?

You thought I have everything

You think I'm good-looking

You think I have no pain

You think favors I gain 

Many a times have I cried too

Many a times have I failed too

Many times I've been rejected too

Many times I have been penniless too

I've seen mountains that were too high for me

I've seen valleys that were too wide for me

I've met people who said I'm ugly too

I've met people who don't like me too 

I was dumped too

I have dumped too

I was weak too

I was cheated too 

I have cheated too

I had irony of good too

I have irony of bad too

I was a terrible failure too

But I'm different now

I am a changed man now

I masked my pain with a smile

Yes I love to smile 

Dare not to be me

Be a true version of yourself

We have different battles

Yours is yours mine is mine

You are great in a dynamic way

Yaksport Josiah



Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Wednesday 4 December 2024



When greed steals peace away

The price someone must pay

Who will save all humanity

From the reign of cruelty?

When Diplomacy failed to play

When peace have no place to stay

When terror engulfs humanity

who will give mankind security? 

Without soldiers, how would life be?

Oh soldiers, we hail thee!

Servants to humanity we hail thee!

Salute the rooted palm tree

Eaten are the garden's fruits without fence

The walls gave her sure defense 

A soldier's absence is a nation's weakness

We hail thee our nation's fortress

Out of discomfort, and displeasure 

In sunny or rainy weather

They serve in full measure 

Selfless and serving our mother

We salute our falling heroes

Who fall by our foes

Who fall for the love of humanity

Who died promoting peace and unity.

Submitted to the World Institute For Peace.

©Yaksport Josiah


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Wednesday 4 December 2024



Like the waves of the sea

My joy is seen

In my African regalia

With just an euphoria 

I wish to sing and  tell

Why I shouldn't be tamed 

Because it is genuine and core

Like the sand of the sea shore

I am my master's utterance 

I see his heart by entrance

Into his deepest thought 

About lessons life has taught 

I am swayed to and fro

Like a messenger's horse

When life turns him down

To ease himself  he play me loud

To understand a goat's complain

You must speak the language

My master is the drummer boy

Not for coin, but to spread joy

He play and I talk

And express our hearts

And men dance back to the age of gold

And our deepest joy unfolds

We are the men of song

We are the people of old

Africa home sweet home

Our steps our hope.

©Yaksport Josiah




Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Wednesday 4 December 2024


A duet by Yaksport Josiah
Mykolas Mike Kolesinkski Semeklis

Yaksport Josiah
Addiction to desire for wealth,
Greed and mad ambitions 
Has made our glorious nations
To destroy and kill our fellows 

Oh bewitched people of the world,
Are you not content with the spilled blood?
Are you not tired of making widows and orphans?
There is good in love and unity

Mykolas Mike
Peace brings with it prosperity
So that none shall ever want.
Solved are the ills of poverty,
No child need ever grow up sickly and gaunt.         
 Love for fellow man and unity increase
Global problems through discussions solved
Seeds of horrific wars do cease
From which all can be absolved.



Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Wednesday 4 December 2024


In the quiet halls of a weary heart,

Where shadows linger, worlds fall apart.

The silence whispers, a solemn tune,

Beneath the glow of a ghostly moon.

No hand to hold, no voice to hear,

Just fleeting dreams and a well of fear.

The air feels heavy, the nights stretch long,

An endless void where I don’t belong.

The walls close in, the time moves slow,

A hollow rhythm, a ceaseless flow.

Each moment lingers, a weighted sigh,

As stars look down from an empty sky.

Memories dance in a fractured stream,

Faces fade like a fleeting dream.

The laughter echoes, then slips away,

A cruel reminder of brighter days.

Yet in this stillness, a seed may grow,

A tender spark in the undertow.

From barren earth, a bloom can rise,

To reach for light through clouded skies.

For loneliness, though sharp and stark,

Can lead us inward, ignite a spark.

The soul learns strength in its aching song,

And finds its way where it once felt wrong.

By: Yaksport Josiah


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 10 February 2024

The Melody Lane


A Duet between Jeremiah Austin Osanebi and Yaksport Josiah


Thinking of the same uncertainty of being a lover 

A large crowd gathered this time around it birthed her filtering hover

The smile was a write- up

But oh, only lovers could read the lovely sum up

And soloist could sing 

The line of the song kept ringing 

Alas! My heart Panted 

Like the river bricks panted.


The symphony of camaraderie is beating in my heart

Dreams every night have visited my sleep

I wonder why the ding dong bell rings in my heart

I told my cheerful mind to wake from the mid day sleep

I have been deserted once, and never again will fall in love

But oh the spark in my heart continuous to love.


My love sings 

With a fearful trill

Of things unknown 

I dance along 

In the street with a fearful trill

But longed for still

And my tune is unheard 

On the mountain hill 

For my love sings 

And cry for freedom .


If the decked flowers, seldom hop for the rhythm of the brave,

If Davinci's paintings are no more thrilling to gaze,

If the springtime grasses are no more attractive to the cows,

If chickens now fled away from its symphonic crows

If a cat can easily stop its thrilling, purr, and meowing,

Then humans easily shoot away love, like an arrow on the hunter's bowing.

©Jeremiah Austin Asanebi and Yaksport Josiah



Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Wednesday 26 October 2022


It never stood the test of time

It never reached it's prime  

It didn't go too far 

The light wasn't the star

On the way, it was grief throughout

Blame and anguish was its spout 

It collapse to the ground 

It was searched but not found 

It was done so cunningly 

Yet it failed woefully

I did it all.

I faced it all.

I felt it all.

Because I did it my way.

I failed Let the record show,

And then, you will know;

I did it my way.

It never lasted

Time was wasted

Because I never pray

I did it my way

©Yaksport Josiah


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Tuesday 30 August 2022


(A poem, to the one I adore)


Why is the moon so bright tonight?

Why is the oceans so calm tonight?

Why are there chirping birds tonight?

The silhouette of the moon on water is bright


Why is my heart beating fast tonight?

Many thoughts engulfs my mind tonight

Why is talking to her now my delight?

Where is the pain that weakens my might?


These days are lonely days 

These days are thoughtful days

The heart crave for her to stay

Why do I feel this way?


Ah, why is this coming now?

Oh, what will I do now? 

Why do I feel that I'm in love?

Am I not that innocent as a dove?


When would this life be fair to me?

Oh goodness, just this one chance

Oh heavens, I cry, hearken to me

Give me the reason in life to prance 


Who am I? Where do I come from?

Would she accept where I came from?

What if this is my fate?

Would she understand my life's state?


Would this feelings be over?

I wish I have the power 

I feel she is the one to wipe my tears

The one I've been waiting over the years


For once let me have what I desire

To my dearest one let me be her desire

Let the heavens hear my prayers

For love I pray, oh hear my prayers

Nevertheless, let heaven's will prevail.


©Yaksport Josiah





Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 11 June 2022



A Poem

The days of honesty are far gone,

The days of morality are no more;

The days of peace are far gone,

Days free of mischief are no more;

But my time, oh my time!

I've heard, and seen a lot in my time;

Men, craving men in my own time,

Women, craving women of my time;

In my time, culture is forgotten 

In my time, true respect is forgotten

Youths craving for leisure in my time,

Extortion is rampant in my time;

Good men, still exist in my time

Only few good men survive in my time;

My time, oh my time

I've lived a lot in my time;

©Yaksport Josiah




Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 11 June 2022



A Poem.

The land I first saw was Nigeria,

The anthem I first piped was Nigeria's;


My Mama is African, and Nigerian,

My Papa is a Farmer, Teacher, and a Nigerian;

Indolence was not our people's legacy,

Apathy in politics was not our policy;

But now, we have lost our honesty,

Now, we have pleasure in impunity; 

Oh Nigeria, my Father land!

I love you my motherland!

If tomorrow comes without me,

The future glory of Nigeria will I see;

But let me rest in the cemetery,

Of that land, I called my country;

Sonny Okosun in a political regalia, 

Sang, and asked "which way Nigeria?

We must times only vote rulers,

Forgetting that we only need leaders;

Any little thing that goes wrong, 

We start to blame the government; 

We know everything that goes wrong,  

Because We are part of the government;

We made mistakes during the oil boom

Not knowing that it was our doom;

Some people now have everything,

While today many, have nothing;

Our ambition to be millionaires 

Is throwing  the country in the air

We all want to be millionaires

So that we will live in the air

Remember, that a single step, is the 

beginning of a million mile;

Let us rebuild our mind, so that we 

can make, the country smile;

Let us save our Nigeria 

So that Nigeria will not die."

©Yaksport Josiah




Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 11 June 2022



A Poem.

My grandfather is someone

With a silver in his hair

And a gold in his heart

His mouth is filled with wisdom.

He trained my father

In modest cultural manner

My fine grand father

Has unquestionable charisma

If he has fathered my father

Then  he is also my father 

No wonder I can see

By fates decree.

I love my grandfather

For he was destined 

Long ago to father my father

And to be my grand father

When I pee in me

He guides in love

When we have a walk

He holds my hands

I Looked at him and wonder

Why his bears are white

While my papa's bears are black

But oh that's old age's might

I hide in his bosom

When thunder blasts it's horn

And when I cry oh! oh!

He will say to me fear not grand son

©Yaksport Josiah



Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 11 June 2022



(My Birthday Poem)

Imagine that melodious moment

When I piped a tune for joy

The neighbors poured their comment

Hurrah, it's a He, it's a boy.

Imagine that time as I grow

Daily my knowledge gain

Imagine again if I should bow

How much knowledge will I gain?

Imagine a writer's life

Born to live in loneliness 

Sequestration brings joy to his life

Inspiration comes from his loneliness.

I have lived a lot in my time

I've crawled in my life as a child

I've seen things in my time

I've played in the mud as a child.

Imagine that now I'm a man

Today is the day I was born

One day I'll have my own woman

Perhaps a boy or a girl she would born.

One after another  we came to the earth

One after another we leave the earth

Each of us will leave whether king or pauper

None of us will stay whether doctor or lawyer.

At least I've seed some sides of life

Let me my soul count the cost

I've lived the expect life

I have gladly counted the cost.

If my saviour tarry

I hope to see many years

If He did not to tarry

At least in his service, I've enjoyed these years.

Happy birthday to me.

©Yaksport Josiah




Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 11 June 2022



A Poem

Sitting alone on a wooden armchair 

Watching birds flying in the air

Piping melodies of loneliness 

And the dilemma of singleness 

Storms that cannot be stilled  

Promises that can not be fulfilled 

Love that was never true

This and that, which was not true 

Always finding the wrong ones?

The first promised and failed

Always guessing the wrong ones

They all promised and failed

The prettiest, accommodates many

Everyone now has someone 

That someone has someone

All the some ones are not happy 

A life that was never lucky 

A  past that is so dreary 

Deceit that was never perceived 

A heart that was deceived 

True love exist in dreams 

Those in need would sleep

Dreamers are for dreams 

They enjoy love in their sleep

I shall remain alone 

I shall build my home

Oh love, do not come 

I'm a hustler I can't sleep

Love is not for me

It is no longer free

Love is for the rich 

I am not rich. 

©Yaksport Josiah


Twt: YaksportJosiah



Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 11 June 2022


Silhouettes appeared at the lightning

Like a crescendo rhythm the winds blow

after dinner, and folktales of the  evening 

The trees bend their backs like a bow


The jolly and the wearied souls hide under the roofs

Nostalgia arises, and the drizzle was washes roofs

The nocturnal starts in a beat of andante 

The farmer remembers sharpening his machete  

The Eastern winds forcefully bloblow

From the sky's trumpet, thunder blows  

The music on the roof becomes pleasant  

The melody of rain to all becomes important


Slowly, like a bride matching  

From thoughts, the mind is descending 

Preparing to travel like a gentle gypsy 

And the world travels to the world of fantasy

The music of the rain sounds sweet

It pours, ad flows to one street

How beautiful is the rain

The night rain, the welcome rain.

©Josiah Yakubu Yaksport


TWT: YaksportJosiah 

Dine with Poetry.


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 11 June 2022



A poem

If I should travel a thousand miles for you

Then I will travel across the sea for you

If for love that I should die,

Gladly will I accept my fate with  sigh

I'm clenched to you 

I know you're obsessed too

And if you ask me why?

I won't hesitate to tell why

Love is something we all desire

Because it forms a part of us

And, when two worlds collides,

Mysterious sensations arise

Because love is my weakness,

It unfolds it self to me as sickness;

Then, I flee all manifestations of love

And I said "never again will I be in love"

But oh, you came to me as friend 

And my heart never reject friends

And then, I loved you tenderly 

Similarly, you loved me faithfully

My world was made with things so bitter

Your world was made with things so sweeter

But, when we met, our path became so bright

Perhaps, that's what happens when two worlds collides.

©Yaksport Josiah



Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 11 June 2022



A Poem

(And one of the women said to the poet "master tell us about our husbands." And he answered and said):

Your husbands are those unhappy labourers 

They suffer and yet  received less rewards

Your husbands are those poor carpenters

Exhausted, yet hitting for the sad rewards.

Your husbands are those sad farmers 

Toiling under the  hot sun to please your moods

Your husbands are those weary hunters 

Searching the woods for your assorted foods.

Your husbands are those tireless mechanics

They stood by the roadside so melancholic 

They move to and fro, searching for food 

They are many on the streets in sad mood.

They hide their grief with smiles

They cry in the secret and smile in public 

They walk daily for many miles

They are sincere and hypocritic.

Your husbands are the men in the fields

Striving for you and your children needs

To your husbands you must always yield 

Cherishing, loving and meeting their needs. 

Your husbands are your confided friends 

They are your pride and strong towers 

Be your husbands best friends 

Your husbands are your children's fathers

Your husbands are the ones you must adore

You dwell in their homes, and nurse their babies

You trusted them, gave them love, and more

They make you a wife,  to build their families.

"Your husbands are your reason for survival

They plant the seed in you to produce children

They ease your urge and you crave for survival 

Without your husbands, there will be no children

©Yaksport Josiah

Twt: YaksportJosiah



Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 11 June 2022


Silhouettes appeared at the lightning

Like a crescendo rhythm the winds blow

after dinner, and folktales of the  evening 

The trees bend their backs like a bow


The jolly and the wearied souls hide under the roofs

Nostalgia arises, and the drizzle wash the roofs

The nocturnal starts in a beat of andante 

The farmer remembers sharpening his machete  

The Eastern winds forcefully blows 

From the sky's trumpet, thunder blows  

The music on the roof becomes pleasant  

The melody of rain to all, becomes important


Slowly, like a bride matching  

From thoughts, the mind is descending 

Preparing to travel like a gentle gypsy 

And the world travels to the world of fantasy

The music of the rain sounds sweet

It pours, and flows to the street

How beautiful is the rain

The night rain, the welcome rain.

©Josiah Yakubu Yaksport


TWT: YaksportJosiah 

Dine with Poetry.


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 11 June 2022


The old days predict better yesterday

The previous, was an awful yesterday

We hoped the hardship will end yesterday 

Here we are in terrible calamity today

The present adversity is more than the past

War, looting and corruption has erect her mast 

Imagine Nigeria is now desolate

Paupers daily seek to relocate

Oh Nigeria, my Nigeria is dying 

Oh my Leaders are you truly trying?

All the promised futures are now futile 

Were they crushed by a giant reptile? 

If all these days were part of futile futures 

Does tomorrow truly has good future?

Oh Nigeria

My Nigeria

Place of deadly leisure

Ah, Nigeria unknown future

©Yaksport Josiah



Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 11 June 2022


Our king is a fine good man

He is married to a lovely woman 

In royalty, he is the greatest of his kind

In his time, there is none of his kind

Our king rules vast domains

Peace, love, justice, he'll maintains

Our king was the greatest in his time

He administered justice in his prime

Our king is rich in gold, and silver

He created a garden near the river

He planted fruits of all kind

To eat and to ease his mind

Our king built a beautiful castle

His servants rare thousands of his cattle

The beauty of his palace people gape

He drinks from his garden's grapes 

Our king had no male child

With sadness his heart mild 

Our queen could not bare him any

Among his subjects it perplexed many 

Our king had a beautiful daughter

He cherished her like no other

Our king needs a successor

To save people from the oppressor

Our king became sick and very old

He needed a successor, so bold 

Whom the burden he must carry

The princess must marry


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 11 June 2022


When you see Oluchi today

Tell her she is worth the say

When you see Oluchi anywhere

Tell her I've sang her beauty everywhere

Meeting her is an unfading nostalgia

A damsel from southeastern Nigeria

Tell her what I said is true

I said it because the time was due

When you see Oluchi anytime

Tell her she was Omali chanwa in her prime

When you see Oluchi tomorrow

Tell her, I agree, that beauty she never borrow

Sister! when you see Oluchi

Tell her She was admired by a young man from Bauchi

Tell her she is adore in my mind

She was the best of her kind

Tell her she is such a sweet soul

Could she be a teddy bear, I'll buy, cuddle and pet

Perhaps some beauties are not meant to be owned

But to be praised, and their moments to be borrowed

When you see Oluchi today

Tell her I'll sing of her beauty every day 

When you see Oluchi anywhere

Tell her I've publicised her speech everywhere

Tell her that her eloquence has reached many

Tell her that she is loved by almost everybody

©Yaksport Josiah

Twt: YaksportJosiah



Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 11 June 2022



(A Birthday Poem)

Over the Plateau hills

I hear the sound that thrills

A nostalgia of a special time

That a gem arrived in her prime 

The breeze piped a symphony 

The leaves clapped their hands

For joy, and not for mutiny 

Over the seas and the lands 

There was Ecstasy, on her arrival

Into the world of men struggling for survival 

She dwell among men, and became a princess

She became great for her prowess 

She is my friend, whom I adore

Her smile makes me smile-more

She is Gommam Anna Sunday 

He smile is supersonic everyday 

I wonder how she is celebrating this day today

This special day called birthday

But, could you believe? It's not a fray

She didn't tell me that today is her day

(Happy birthday my dear Anna Sunday Gommam

God bless and keep you.

Enjoy your day).

©Yaksport Josiah (Dine with poetry)



Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 11 June 2022


Tears flowed like the oceans sea 

Regrets engulfed the mind with a plea 

Loss of fortunes increases daily

Lost of acquaintance that is so dearly

All my constructed goals were scattered 

The beautiful garment I wore was tattered

The business failed and brought no gain

My heart was broken and left in pain

The South has great trouble

The North is a den of rumble 

There seems to be morning at noon

The sun appeared instead of the moon

I have had my share of losing

I must arise and start winning

Though I failed all the way

I failed because I did it my way

It is time and the giant victor must arise

Amidst failure, I must arise 

My fears I must face them all

It is time to conquer my foes all 

I will be great again, like a palm tree so tall.

Yes it is time

Because now I have someone by my side

©Yaksport Josiah

Twt: YaksportJosiah


10:03 AM


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 11 June 2022


These days are lonely days

The soul now desires a companion

The desire grows from day to days

The mind no longer seek for an opinion


Sadly and quietly walking downtown

The mind from thoughts is drown

Lonely in the hut peeping through crevices

Engulfed with thoughts not of vices


Like a wanderer walking alone down the lane

The heart got covered with desires like a pane

The mind drifted in a narrow consciousness 

The soul is not deserted, but yet lives in loneliness 


No friends, and no acquaintance

Alone in isolation, has less significance

The soul prefer a place so solitary 

Chanting incantations like in a monastery  


The soul is always misunderstood

Everyone has lost the heart of brotherhood

Oppressed with the irony of life

Joy and pain played daily strife


Far away from pundits the soul lives

Far away from trouble the soul lives

To the market he barely go

To the farm he joyfully go


Oh life of that is lonesome

Oh life that is boredom

It is good for a snail to come out of the shell

SHe can make gain if character he buy and sell.


@Yaksport Josiah




Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 11 June 2022


He went to Bugun Like a treasure Hunter 

So fearless was he like his grandfather  

He went to see Kulla his intended bride

He went boldly, to his love, his pride 

Those days were days of the spirits

Yari's courage has not limits

Day-to-day he went to Bugun village 

To visit his intended wife's lineage 

One day became an unforgettable day

He that doesn't fear fitted a night fray 

On his way back to Gargari village

The night accomplished with vintage 

Lonely at night in the heart of the bush 

The breeze blow and everything was Hush 

In a distance he heard voices talking in pain

About Lhm Za'ar and the abundance of rain

He heard the voices were familiar 

Our people's speech are always familiar 

He walked fast to meet up with them

The faster he walks, the more he lost them 

He heard their dialogues throughout the way

But he never saw anyone throughout the way

In the woods he heard their distant laughter 

Discussing problems, and disunity matters

When he get near his village

Neither for curse nor for Rampage 

Have we taken our time to visit

Take care human, we are the spirits 

Yari smiled and waved in the air

It was the spirit chatting in pairs

The spirits of prosperity and unity

The spirit of peace and tranquility 

©Yaksport Josiah 




Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Sunday 11 July 2021


The place where peace is Least 

The market, the center of decoy

North,West, South, and east

The shanty has chaos in total deploy

The paternal, the den of sorrow  

Friends, became destiny Scavengers

The maternal, lost hope in tomorrow

Neighborhood, now bunch of avengers 

The ground, is now  sinking sand

The mind, is engulfed with fears

The rock, too slippery to stand

The heart , is shedding tears 

The purse, is empty 

The market, is nasty 

The heavens, gave no rain

A merchandise, without gain

The present plight, is a presage 

The raging tempest, is a message 

The storms, won't be Flinching 

The sore distress, won't be Itching

The trial, is almost ending

The supreme, is responding

The victor, shall wear white gown

The victor, shall wear a Crown.

Be courageous oh troubled man.


©Yaksport Josiah




Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Sunday 20 June 2021


My fellow clansmen I cry

Hearken to my deep plight

My son Dakuna is no more

Since eight weeks that he left home


His mother my wife died

And I brought Mobshi for him as wife

With you we did the marriage rites 

So I can join my wife with a sigh 


He left the wife of his youth

The woman he is betrothed to

That is the culture from boyhood

With your wife you grow into manhood 


My fellow kinsmen

Look into this matter

What can I tell this orphan

I took for Dakuna as wife?


The tradition must be retained

But how can the tradition be saved?

I must go to his maternal home

Dakuna must come home


Dakuna must know

She is his wife

Destined by tradition

His wife to be for life.


©Yaksport Josiah




Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Thursday 3 June 2021


A Poem
Life's not fair, is it dear self?
Evil now dwell in mansions
While prudence dwell in chains
Is this the reward for passion?
In politics, indeed we started well,
Untill my trusted folks drifted away;
I challenged impunity and now I'm in chains,
To quench me, they send me to jail;
When will I be at liberty,
To walk as freeman in the streets?
Two decades is gone, oh how time flies;
Yet the truth in me refused to die;
Did my people believe the allegations?
Ah! This world is full of evil
Though I be forgotten by generations,
Joyfully will I die for my people;
Ho! It's another decade;
And my hands are feeble,
I'm old and week too;
Lord take me home so I can rest;
Warders! Hearken to my last plea
When I am no more,
My body, the people must not see,
Perhaps, I don't belong to the world;
For thirty years the man was caged
Because his enemies were in power
Day and night he cried, how long?
Seems the world has forgotten him;
And one day, the prison door was opened,
Akilu! the oldest Warder gladly echoed;
You are now a freeman old friend
For your foes in power are all death;
But Akilu in his prison bed
Has died already last night
For his prayers to die was answered
So angels took him home last night
The people were waiting
To take Akilu into office
When his death was sadly announced
Oh what a wicked world!
A note they found on his chest
'It is finished'
Akilu wrote in the parcel
With a smile he died.
©Yaksport Josiah


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Thursday 3 June 2021


A Poem

We heard of the mortal songs
We heard of the ancestral dance
Done by great men of old
With regalias and joy in their hearts;

The old fashioned men and women,
The youths of old and the children,
When the mortal drums are-played
All sorrows were wiped a-way;

We men and women of Africa
Are primitive in truest character
Our custume, our pride
Our steps, we ride;

Our pipers are cunning drummers
They piped in an old fashioned way
Akin was an African drummer
His playings are in old fashion way

The last year's festival Oh
We danced, but with sadness
For unity has faded away Oh
And our nation was restless

Had we have the po'wr
To go back through the years
We wish to be in the past
Where all armies are at rest

Where the Yorubas danced the Aladura's
Where Igbos danced the Ogini's
Where Hausas danced the Kalangu's
And nations danced the cultural's

Oh Plateau of all nation's
Where are the cultural dancers
Your old men made of you?
Are they now western dancers?

The Afizere Dancers are deformed
Ngas dancers are also deformed
Mwagavul are you also deformed?
Oh Plateau arise to peace and unity

My Zaar warriors and dancers
Are also deformed
We fought well and danced too
But, we are engulfed by politics

The future is bright for Africa
If we will embrace culture
And remember the cultural steps
Which the mortals danced
For unity and peace I cry Aye aye.

©Yaksport Josiah


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Sunday 30 May 2021


Oh childhood days 

Filled with  innocence 

When I was just a prey

With no guilty conscience

I miss those days 

When I bathed outside without shame

I miss those days

When I cried, when I'm hungry

When I needed to add the bathing water

I urinate in the bucket to increase the quantity;

When I call eba food 

And I call rice, rice;

I miss those days 

When we laugh at our neighbour's daughter

When she Picked the beans in her shit and ate joyfully

That was innocence displayed by her

I miss those Nursery rhymes

When we sang them with sighs

I miss those swimming moments

In the village during holidays

I miss those days

When we played in the rain

And got drenched yet still happy

But now we've become men;

Yes we are now men

And will someday father others

Ah childhoodness! 

That I will never become again

Each moment was thrilling

Childhood sins were long forgiven 

For we never knew what we were doing 

T'was great passing through childhood stage. 

But oh, there's a day coming

When we will say goodbye 

To our dearest on earth

I pray to finally enter His rest;


©Yaksport Josiah



Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Wednesday 26 May 2021


I have seen that smile before

At the grocer's,

In the academia,

At the here and there;


No doubt you have once heard the name

Rosemary at least you've heard of her fame

She is the true epitome of beauty

She is the craving of most masculinity 


So adorable and meek in character

But frown at fuss harder;

She smiles often and that's the mystery,

Of Rose Lina's unfading beauty;


She is the one with the best akimbo style

And every folk her beauty recites;

Africa is blessed with large deposit of beauty,

Rose Lina is born today, let's be jolly;


26th May is the day

Rosemary was born

26th May is the day

My intended sweetheart was born


Belated Happy birthday

Be happy and gay

For today is your day

Dear Rose Lina.


©Yaksport Jossiah



Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Tuesday 23 February 2021


A Poem


Before I die,

I will set a good footprint

On the sand of time

For the young ones to see.


Before I die,

I will reach the unreached,

With words of life,

And strengthen the weak.


Before I die,

I will labour on earth, for the reward above

In heaven beyond the tide 

I will prepare my life to join the choir above.


Before I die,

I will let my soul to be filled with love;

As the days passes bye,

I will give for my mansion above.


Before I die,

I pray for grace to conquer sin;

I pray to die,

After fulfilling God's will.


Before I die,

I will fight the world

And all its forms

Holy Spirit be my guide


Before I die,

I will invest my life time

In doing His will

Because the longer I serve Him

The sweeter He be.


©Yaksport Josiah



Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Friday 23 April 2021


A Poem.

Like a swollen balloon we grew
Like a bunch of broom we were
With unity we marched in the streets
As bold as a lion we were

Like a deeply rooted palm tree
That overcomes the desert's wind
Was our culture through the ages
When unity made us win life's stages.

Hard work was our legacy
Service was our policy
Certainly it was because of unity
We sang those songs of victory

But oh, gone are those days,
When we hold unto the word which says
"Sorgah Nanbong yii tuhd lihba?
Ai sai kya kangshi mohnda"
Meaning broomsticks must be
Bound as one to sweep a place.

Now our culture is sick
Like a wounded soldier 
Down in the battlefield
Where is that love for one another?

Let's sing of greed and mad ambition
That took away our our communal living
Unity was our pride, and source of satisfaction
Our pride is like a balloon punctured with a needle. 

Ah! my people, who are we?
Oh!my people, where are we?
Are we Godless nation?
No patriots,  lets build our nation

We must arise oh comrades 
And cast useless loads 
Of pride and covetousness
To vulcanize our cultural pride
We need unity, equity, and love

God save Nigeria
God save our culture 
God safe Your people
God safe our land

©Yaksport Josiah   


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Wednesday 23 December 2020



            LEADS HOME

A Poem

Where are you, sweet innocent?

Mother said you must come home.

Where is the boy known to be decent?

Mother misses you, Oh! Come home.

Now, to the highway, I go

Searching for young Roland

For mother wants him home

Before she passes to Beulah land.

All you southern and Western traders

If you see a young  lost soul,

It's my brother, Roland

Oh, tell him 'the northern road leads home'

All you distant merchants

Tell Roland not to be aghast

For the footpath to the north

Is the road that leads home.

He must come home

And help in building the falling walls,

He must not stay there anymore,

For mother wants him home.

Tell him his home is in desolation

And now is the time for reconciliation

That we must all come home

And never again leave home.

©Yaksport Josiah


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Friday 13 November 2020


Duet by: Yaksport Josiah and Bukola Alabi.


I met someone in an unusual way
And the joy I feel will forever stay;
The Supreme is the smartest being
In making strangers meet.

There is a saying, and I believe it's true
'If you can't go round the world,
You can go to the world around you'
The person I met is a mystery to all.

There's an inner voice telling me,
To believe that one day we'll meet;
Friendship is a divine mystery
Good friendship is the happiness master key.

You are a step closer to happiness
If by leap of faith you egress
From the shallow pit of reclusiveness
And dive in true Independence

You are only a step to your win
When you've abadoned those that'll cause your ruin
Embracing mystical feelings that comes-
For it's now easy to count your scores

You are every day lively
With your new found friend;
Love and peace you will savour
And life you'll no longer endure.


© Yaksport & gentryspen


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Friday 13 November 2020


So I left my home

Not knowing where to go

As I travelled all the night long

In the dark all alone,


With neither lamb to light my way,

Nor water to quench my taste;

I kept thinking on the middle way

Counting the challenges I must face;


I know  my kindred want me

But I must go to Timbuktu

Without regret I'll leave 

For this is what I want to do;


And then I'll venture to mount Kilimanjaro,

There I'll meet traders who'll go to Marlboro

From there I'll travel to the Kalahari desert

And then go to watch mountain Everest's gizzard.


Here in the woods so lonely 

A Wanderer I am so hungry

No water to quench my taste

So dirty, with dusty covered face


I'm a Wanderer like Dingis Wayo,

Who was helped by Shaka warrior of Zulu

When he cried out like the village Griot

 Ahoy! Ahoy, as he narrates to the people


And when I'm done with my wondering,

I'll return to my country

What else can I do than to tell them stories

And when I die, I'll be buried in the village's cemetery.


There is nothing new in this life we live

What we yearn to do has been done by others;

We must one day account of the life we've lived

Stop wondering, and live a good life like no other.


©Yaksport Josiah.

   31st October, 2020.


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Sunday 8 November 2020


Duet by Yaksport Jossiah and Shalom Gowok

We heard of a solemn proclamation
In 1789 of change called revolution
The eve took place in a wall paper factory
Where laborers planned to roll away their agony

France craved for good governance
And good management of their substance
It happened because they really need the change
All the day long they strive to bring the change.

But now, decades has passed
Here in the country of blacks
We've lived like inmates
Who longed for their pain to end

Like her Our struggles were only a preparation
And the Pseudo liberty only an introduction
To a world of subtility and deception
Spiced with lies and cruel intension

Slowly the bait was revealed
The systems need to be reformed
The people want to be informed
The task is pivotal and must be addressed

Nigeria a Godless foundation is faulty
Arise to integrity,dignity and sincerity
Awake to righteousness and accountability
Rewind and revolve afresh in honesty.

   28th October, 2020


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 10 October 2020


It was on a Tuesday Evening

When all boys on him were leaning,
All were hungry and yawning
3rd  of March,  was that day Oh!
He thought all his dreams is nought 
Untill the supreme declares its not.

It all started, when He went to refill his gas 
And then he called a tricycle after refilling the gas
But, Alas!  In a trap of the wicked he falls
Little did he knew how long it may take,
And with innocent heart, and a smile he said
"Sir, to the barracks take me and i will pay
I implore be fast they'll close the gate"

But then the heart filled with mischief had plans
And there he goes in a sandy road, strange, and fast;
"Oh no, thats not my way!"  Muchacho cried 
"Keep quiet and mind your business!" He replied 
He prayed in his heart, and kept quite wiht a sigh.

One thing he believed most is the Bible 
For no doubt he believed God is able
To save who in his name will  deligently pray
And daily in His  Promise  will earnestly  wait
So in the cab he firmly stay

And the man stopped, and violently say
"Don Buran Ubanka, ka fita mini  a keke na che!"
It was a curse against His Father  he made
And a command to go out of the cab he made
The young innocent man asked '"why?"

And suddenly a punch the man strongly gave
But so smart was the lad he spiringly defended
And then the fight begins
And no one around to split
And the fight was sore also with royal rumble,
And the man was beaten down and he thumbled.

But the lad became weak and had swollen fingers
And the man brought out a dagger,
To the innocent lad stabbed he hadder
But the lad's future is brighter,
And wisdom to abstain the stab was wider
Then here comes a helper from God our father.


From the wicked man The young lad siezed the dagger,
And the crafty mischievous man ran for his life hadder;
But the boy was speachless and wandering,
Deeply thinking and widely staring 
For there's someone he loved and they haven't met
What if he had died how would she had felt?


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Monday 5 October 2020


Rain How sweet the sound

Oh! How  I love the rain
Because it sound like a refrain
Of a classical I've once attained;
The music of the rain on the roof
Which poured heavily without loop
Runned continuously to fill the pool

And then I remember a princess
Whose worth I know is priceless;
Chats a prince who lives in a distant land
Though they be far but surely distance can't
Asunder what's divine,
And from above it is refined;

When everyone hides under the roof,
The farmer likewise hide himself too;
And with a glee he thinks his thought,
And smile being happy he coughs;
And said "surely it is springtime
We have to cross the season's line".

Labourers are Happy too
For there's job a lot to do
Then the blacksmith get to work
With a smile and gaze of hope
With laughter to his workers
He said " Yorks its springtime already
There's work for everyone to do
The small hoe, the big hoe,
The axe, the sickle, the cutlass,
The matchette all we must forge".


Children are also happy too
For soon trees will yield their fruits
How sweet the sound of the rain
Like a pipe the piper always plays
It sounds purr purr purr
And the thunder parararadam
The grasses happily grew out with a smile
To thank the creator for His love divine;
After springtime, here comes hammatan,
Likewise summer, and so on;
And the world runs merrily  round and round,
Oh then, then oh, oh then,  then oh,
We thank God for the rain you send with love.


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Monday 5 October 2020



I know a land that is fully blessed
With all kind of minerals that the supreme has set,
For His people, that whosoever will, may come,
To the supreme and feel at home;
And that all who abide in him may dwell in love.

When many a man at last came,
To the supreme, the Lord His riches gave,
Not to one only, but to all,
His likeness, even to those who dont call
On His name for help, He gave  to all He has created.

Impartial and bountiful is our ruler
For He is so benovoulent to all humans;
But alas! Many humans seems to be cunny and wicked
And willingly with a wicked heart turned many to be wretched
And pill the yam of this world with unequal machete.

The cunny ones forged unequal knives
And cut with greedy eyes like he who dives;
They are often extravagant, some dressed like knights;
Many of them have ample stores and push bellies blotted with excess
Don't get me wrong for arranging this company of Lexis,
For what I saw daily increases.

The gospel of mercy we must preach
For we all must one day appear before the judgement seat;
The gospel of showing mercy to the poor I must preach;
For everyone must do his golden deed,
By helping those who are in need.


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Monday 5 October 2020


By Yaksport Josiah

Where is the old me?
I know who I use to be
I want to go home
I'm tired of the world;

When I wandered away'
All happiness went away;
No more hanging in the middle-way
I'm tired !oh my God ! Of standing here!

I want the old me back
Where goodness is my only stand;
But, alas! I'm now tattered,
I'm so battered
And everything about me is scattered;

When I turned to the  north i see sorrow,
And to the south there's sadness also,
I manage to make it to the west but  there's trouble;
Had I not left East, I would have been crippled.


I was so foolish!
What even made me to leave?
And now my life has no ease
Because I don't have Jesus.


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Monday 5 October 2020


A Child'sHeart
A Poem
By: Shalom Gowok & Yaksport Josiah

Children are born on earth naturally as saints
And from  judgement and danger of hell all saved
And  as they come to the world, non have they offend
Nor any innocent blood have they shed

Suffer not little children to come
To me, for there's is God's Kingdom
And he that will enter my rest,
Like a child must he place himself

Once meant human with a
Dove at heart called a child
He is a barn of cheerfulness
A spectrum of genuine openness
He takes a step at a time with happiness

To see him we must learn
from these children
They let go every hurt even
Without an apology
With firm faith on the king's
Word without analogy
They play their parts in their father's
Business without shame.

They are easy to forgive
And this God knew;
And told the disciples to be
Like children so that they will live;

For a child's mind is a river of peace
And love;
He is a fountain of faith in
Father's faithfulness
He let go cheaply with all,
A servant, a friend that is


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Monday 5 October 2020



Oh garri, my garri how I love thee,
I always run to thee when I'm hungry
When I don't have enough money with me,
Thou smiled at me and filled my belly;

Thou chose every one to be thy friend,
Thou chose to stand with the needy till the end;
If there's anyone to be grateful to thee,
Then it should be folks that went to study;

Apeko my friend will live to tell the story
Yaksport Josiah will live to tell the story
Magaji my friend will live to tell the story
To our future kids who will love to hear the story

Let me sing, and dance, and live
Let me live, and sing, and dance
While I dance I'll also leap
For God and for Garri
Alone I'll sing, for these two had set me free
While in college from getting hungry;

Those that knew, will sing with me
Of wondrous  things they have seen
Oh master garri! how sweet thou have been
To folks who have been in need;

To make Garri more sweeter for thee
Let me tell thee a secret thou never knew
Add little sugar for its not good for thee
Groundnut? Wonderful as if thou knew
Kuli kuli? Excellent that will make it like stew
Milk? Oh the old days you land me into reminiscence

I remember Papa Nkem in his little shop back in the college
The student's he helped, because he has the knowledge
That some fingers are tall while some are short
Some are big, while some are small
No matter how small thy money bring
Thou  wilt get garri to suck and drink.

I hail thee Almighty Garri
The saviour of students
Though some found joy in taking thee to school,
They can proudly carry thee  publicly in school;
While others met thee coincidentally in school
They never dream of taking thee in school
But when spaghetti, macaroni and noodles
Failed to help the folks,  thou cometh to fit the mood
Thou will only be hated by unthankful people
Who never knew the value of food.

When others in the hostel their delicious meal cooked
I take my garrri with joy I  employ
Let not what I don't have, my cheer,
My cheer of mind destroy.


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 10 October 2020



I have a story, so sweet,
about myself, when I was a kid;
it's about a lady I got tempted with
She was called Annabel Lee

In face, feature, and limb,
she  grew so identically with me;
For one of us was born a twin
you can see by fate's decree

I love her so much and that's true
She told me betimes she loves me too
Our story is written with ink so blue
And the cover is bonded with super glue

But oh, She is a poetess
And I can't marry a poetess
because I hate poets and poetess
and they are not my interest

All my life I wished to marry a painter
or  Hunter's daughter
If I marry a painter,
she'll teach me painting;
If I marry Hunter's daughter,
he'll teach me hunting;

Back to business
I can't marry a poetess!
My mother is a poetess,
then how can I marry a poetess?

Mother gave me a choice
She said I must hearken to her voice
That I must marry this poetess
or she'll curs me to be worthless

Though I love Annabel Lee,
I rather Marry Anna Marie;
Because she loves painting,
and her father loves hunting;

I know poets and poetess
because my mother is a poetess
My master's wife is a poetess
My uncle's wife is a poetess

Poetess made me to suffer from ulcer
For I almost died of hunger
because my poetess mother
is so much in love with pen and papers

My master is the chef in his house
and that makes me laugh loud
she used to say"you're the sugar in my tea
Oh Romeo forever with you I'll be"
But can't cook for him to eat

I can't marry a poetess
let them say what they'll say
Annabel Lee will kill me with poems
instead of giving me a cake.

I'm now homeless
working on the street stranded
All my nights are sleepless
Because I can't marry a poetess

I can't marry a poetess
Though I love Annabel Lee
but I prefer Anna Marie
I throw this hopeless question to you
what will you do if you were me
to persuade mother to let you
marry Anna Marie?


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Monday 5 October 2020



You talk of wondrous things you see

I talk of painful things I feel

Its often said 'life is filled with ups and downs,

but mine is filled with downs;

I see parents caring for children,

I see children caring for parents;


Here I seat with nowhere to go,

I'm lonely without a home;

I'm a street boy

who begs for coin



Where is my mother?

Who is my father?

Did I have a brother?

Or someone to call my sister?


Do I really have a family?

What is my sin?

Why am I like this?

If only I can feel,

at least what family is;


Oh God I know you are their up above,

Watching men living in love

But, what is my sin,

That made me to be deserted in the street?

God since I have no family,

Will you be my family?


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Monday 5 October 2020



Oh granny, why did you left
Your grand children with face
Fashioned with pathetic stare
To struggle alone till the end?

They are now like a prey-
Lost in the wildlife's den;
You were their hope,
Because you make them to glow;

Tell my grand children
I've went to meet my children
That's, their parents
Singing above with angels;

Here a little, there a little.
Orphans live day to day.
Some are young with bones so brittle,
Without family, yet happy and gay;


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 10 October 2020



The sky totally changed  murky
Houses, and schools were set ablaze;
Everyone in the market was in a hurry
We saw our neighbour shot  death;

With tears in our eyes,
We took his body away;
Tears where falling from the sky,
Our teacher too was shot down the lane;

Men were burned with fire like bush meat,
For our flesh they putrid;
We saw dogs and swine eat carcasses,
We cried both women, lads, and lasses;

We saw armies trooping,
Into the city with their war tanks;
And that made us to keep believing,
Although it wasn't a smooth shiny track;

Now the main road we cannot cross,
For our hunters were every where;
We cried for help but there was none,
All hope was lost like a lilly in the mere;

It is a day we will live to tell the story,
Of how we were hurt by people so Conny;
These happened somewhere in the north,
We will never forget the men we have lost.


Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Sunday 11 October 2020



Here we stand with eyes wide opened,
Not knowing what next will happen;
Before we realized,
It took us by surprise;

July 2001 was the month
That made women to mourn;
For the men that fall that day,
Was many on that sunny day;

Babies cried on their mother's back,
Like a chicken in the butcher's hand;
The number of Casualties kept increasing,
And the music of guns wasn't thrilling;

Before that day, It was a chronic euphoria,
That happens  somewhere in northern Nigeria.



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