Tochukwu Nwigwe

Tochukwu Nwigwe's Profile

Tochukwu Nwigwe
Tuesday 13 December 2022

Letter to FIFA

Letter to FIFA

From the 19th century till date

I have come to a conclusion that there is only one unifier

An art work that employed millions of people

The greatest dream of my life

Until we find ourselves in the pitch

That is when you will understand how talented I am

An art work that unites the world

An art work that promote peace

An art work that gives hope

I once heard in my country Nigeria

That we are one Nigeria

I begin to look for what makes us one

Despite different background in culture and tradition

I discovered how passionate people are ready to die for you

Who invented this art?

Some say is from Soccer's ancient origins

And it started in Europe, I smile

But I don’t believe them

I believe you are already in existence

May you reign forever in our heart?

May your kingdom forever be passing down to our unborn generations?

Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, Maradona, pele and other legend did it

May the scarified of those that cherish you never be in vain?

China is scarifying a lot for your sake

Africans say the love you

Europe says you are their business

Which planet did you come from?

What kind of natural love did I have for you?

Or can I make it clear

I love you; I am in love with you

Did you know that people cry for your sake?

Oh I witness these tears of joy

Those that wish you must exercise patient

They must be determined to find you

What kind of principle did you adopt?

Since all my life, no one hates you

Even in the days of Jesus Christ

Some love him while some hate him

But no one hates you

Are you greater than God?

Who are you?

All the religions of the world love you

Is it Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Gnosticism, Druze, Confucianism, Bahá'í, Agnosticism, Shinto, Judaism etcetera

I have never seen this kind of grace

Kind you be my best lover forever

This is my letter to you

May your grace found me?

For the first time in the world, the world comes together for your sake

They share a common understanding for your sake

They share tears for your sake

They share joy for your sake

One thing about you

Is that you don’t break or disobey people culture

Who are you?

You don’t discriminate peoples colour

No wonder people love

We don’t care about the injury

We keep playing you until we are weak

We keep seeking you until we are no more in this world

Don’t be offended if I call you the peace maker

Don’t be offended if I call you the love of the whole world

Don’t be offended if I call you the hope of the whole world

Don’t be offended if I call you the joy of the whole world

Don’t be offended if I call you the religion of the whole world

I believe in you

I think you are God, but people don’t understand

But they said it sometimes

The call you the God of soccer

China call you Chinese tradition

I call you God of religion

Keep on unifying us

We have found peace in you

Even in my country, where hardship dwells

We can never abandon you

We will continue to pay you home tribute

We will continue to respect you

God of soccer that did it to all the footballers out there

Will one day remember me?

This is my appeal to you my lord

This is my letter to FIFA

This is my letter to Africans

This is my letter to the whole world

May you reign till thy kingdom come, Amen?




























Tochukwu Nwigwe
Sunday 11 December 2022

MY Greatest Regret in Life

My greatest regret in life

Sometimes I ask whether God is partial in nature

Sometimes I wonder while all this torture

While are mine not seeing dreams and opportunity coming closer

Does it mean that my world is telling me that I am a loser?

My greatest regret in life is not because of my dreams

It is because I am a citizen of a hopeless country?

A country were bad image and limitation have been place on an innocent citizens

A country were bloodshed is greater than national savings

What a country?

The only lucrative business is illegal act, yahoo, Fake pastors and churches, banditry, political Fraud

Native doctor have become a source of hope for young ones

Churches here! are higher than factories and industry, wow! what a lucrative business indeed

Government house has become a home for old men fraudulent act

While banditry, kidnapping, terrorist group have become a means of money circulation

If you not in any of these, then you are still an armature

What a country?

A country where hope is limited

A country where living in another country have become a source of safety

What a country?

A country where burial of talents have become a passion

A country fills with intimidations?

A country where you work for government with limited salary

A country that lack currency value

A country where a man work for government for 60-65 without a house of his own

A country where cost of living is rising per seconds

What a country?

A country where graduate turn to be bus drivers

A country that say education is the key but now I wonder where key is?

What a country?

A country where rights of the people are denial, abuse and defrauded

A country of hardship, hunger and poverty

What a country?

A giants of Africa but I tell you the truth starting up a life in another Africa country is better than this giant

A country of two double swords

Very dangerous in destructive

What a country?

A country where truth is not an option, if not tell me while my great grandfather is a president?

A country of no hope for his citizenry

What a country?

Oh how I wish I can grow winds to fly so far away, in search of new hope

Don’t question me,

If you doubt me, pray to God to let you come from my background, oh! What a poverty,

That you may taste a little bit,

I can’t wish my enemy this kind of life

Is indeed hell, No wonder

Show me a man in this country without illegal source of income

And I will tell you he not is a citizen of this country

He came from Europe, Asia, and America

Look at our educational system

Look at the world cup played, do you think I support them

I can’t support them because they have frustrated me

And I will frustrate them with my pen and paper?

I will frustrate them with my mind?

Let me borrow this word, we are living in a Zoo

Where we are treated like an animal

While will I support?

What a country?

My greatest regret in life, that is his name

A time of tears, agony and loneliness this I say from heart without playing game

Who did this to us I ask?

Is it colonialization, government or mentality?

Why are mine born here?

Is it not better than I am not in existent than to exist in this kind hell?

What if I did not make to heaven?

Where the society is pushing me like a wind

What if I find myself in a hell fire again after this country hell?

How will I describe my life?

They said life is meant to enjoy and not to endure

What will I do?

Should I join my mate or should I keep on searching for new hope?

Should I enjoy now and later cry in hell fire

Rather than experiencing hell and hell fire

Oh Lord have you abandon the innocent that want a decent life?

If it is not thy will, let this wind blow over me

I am still allowing you to solve it, because if I solve myself I will go hell fire with clear conscience

All I need is destiny helper to take me out from this hot water

This is indeed eating me up

I need cold water to quench it

I have been having sleepless night, hear me now or don’t hear me again

I cry because of intimidation, humiliation, discrimination, favoritism and connection of powerful elite in my country

All I need is to have a little celebration of my life

They said I am lazy

I refuse that phenomenon

I am not lazy

I cannot just do it

Take me out and I will show them how talented I am

I have a country but I am not proud to said it out

What a shame?

I am always ashamed to see my country flag talk more of to hold it in my hands,

Anytime I want to search for my country I will start from the button

Because I know that is where they belong

Chai! No wonder a lot of limitation in my online business

Tell me a man who is proud of this country

And I will tell you how corrupt he is?

The truth they said can never been hidden under the sun

Unless we start rebuilding our structure

Until the day of repentance

Then we can find the truth

You cannot walk faster than your own shadows

All I wish is more out of my life

But my environment, society and country cannot give it to you

Even when you want to do it and create it yourselves

It is full of frustration and destructive

So stop wondering while a lot of brain drained

The environment, society, country has fail

What a country I live in

This is my letter

 My greatest regret in life

What a county?


Tochukwu Nwigwe
Sunday 11 December 2022

Letter to US Dollar

Letter to US dollar

How are you doing today my dear?

I will like to talk you like friend

I hope you will give a reply one day

Oh! I will love to hear from you

Can I ask you a question?

Why are you wicked?

Why are you heartless

Why are you full of yourself?

Why are you doing this to us?

Why are you pushing Africa?

Why are you pushing Nigeria?

What did we do to deserve this?

I thought we are friends

Do you know how lives you have sent to poverty

Do you a lot of political fraud going on in my country because of you

How can you be arising forgotten that many lives depend on you

A dollar is equal to 700 naira on exchange please have mercy

Stop increasing, I beg you

We have lost focused on our country

Our politicians always stole a lot of money just to match up with you

Our young ones went into fraud just because you

Our naira note cannot save us again

In the world ranking it is no where to be found

I confess you are values, anywhere in the world

But what about we, that is managing our little naira note

We can’t buy standard food again

We can’t purchase quality need and want

All because of you please have mercy on us

Stop increasing, that we may survive

Civilization started here, but we lost it

Am so sorry, who did this to us

Some say it is structural adjustment programme (SAP),

Initiated by Ibrahim Babangida

Forgive our selfish political leaders and have mercy on our poor ones

We can’t survive this if you continue like this

Let me tell you what you have done in my country

You just succeeded in creating unemployment that lead to fraudulent act

You just succeeded in looting public fund by our politicians because of exchange rate

You just succeeded in making our standard of living difficult

You just succeeded in creating underdevelopment in my country Nigeria

You just succeeded in causing a lot of killings in my country

Currency that we are not even in use

How did you even manipulate us like this?

Why did we depend on you so much for our survival?

Are you God?

Are you more important than our lives?

Why causing a lot of havoc in my country thou am not even proud of them

I wrote this letter to you for appealing

I lost an opportunity because of what you have done in our naira note

The exchange rate is too much; I have not even made that kind of money

That is where my experience comes from

That is where my knowledge comes from

That is when my eyes open to understand how important you are for any successful journey

That is why I compose this special poem for you, please have mercy on our little naira note

Do you know the most painful part of it?

Is that it is a little money in US

An amount someone can even dash you just $100

Make me lost life changing opportunity

Oh! I am in tears right now

Can someone consoled me by making US dollar to understand the nature of poor ones in my country

This is an appeal to you

Our political leaders does not care about them

But with my pen and paper I do care about them

For at least they are human

But sometimes I wonder how can a piece of paper

Sending millions of people in poverty

A piece of paper that man printed out, design it and colour it

Is causing all this havoc, this is indeed a spirit

What make man to search for it morning, afternoon and night?

Is indeed very valuable for sweet life

US dollar have someone in Nigeria wrote to you before,

Well, I am sorry if none temper justice with mercy

Maybe, they have not yet realized about your doings because they are not a writer

Have mercy on us

Have mercy on our people

Have mercy on Africans

Have mercy on Nigeria

Stop increasing, stop us on poverty, and stop causing havoc

This is my letter to you.



















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