Makinde Adeniyi

Biography: Makinde Adebayo Adeniyi is a Prince, Physician (by training), Poet, and Author. He has published 2 poetry anthologies titled "Night Marauders and Other Poems," published by Carrot Publishers in 2022, and "Echoes from the Savannah," published by Amazon in 2024. He is currently working on another poetry anthology. He writes poems about social issues, culture, nature, love, and medicine. Some of his poems are Afrocentric in nature with a tilt towards the Yoruba culture and tradition.

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Makinde Adeniyi
Sunday 8 September 2024



He left the way he came

A dog deaf to the hunter’s call

He visited the pot for a quick bite

Unwelcome guest, scheming swindler


He left the way he came

Drawn to the grave

By a ravenous craving

A quick bite from Eve’s apple


He left the way he came

The forbidden mould on an ingrown toast

A poisoned chalice

Beautifully irresistible


He left the way he came

Forgetting to distil his lust

Choked on his thrust

Just before he could burst


He left the way he came

Drawn by the depths of passion

Drowned in the shallow abyss

Of an irresistible pool

Sucked dry by the puddle of life


He left the way he came

Struck by mágùn1

Three somersaults like the slaughtered

Cockrel in preparation for dinner 

Or better still cum till the last drop of life

On the streets of El Dorado


From Echoes from the Savannah © Makinde Adebayo Adeniyi, 2024


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